Monday, June 21, 2010

Perfect moment in time...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Perfect moment in time...

I see them everywhere now - that perfect moment in time. That moment that I want indelibly etched in my memory.

It used to be that my idea of perfect was, well, perfection. Living the off-grid, homesteading, "simple" life has changed all of that. Now I see "perfect" in the every day. I see it in sleeping children. I see it in a momentarily clean kitchen. I see it in older children willingly helping younger children. I see it in laughing kids, busy about their tasks.

I have come to believe that perfection isn't about the world bending and becoming what I want it to be, but about my eyes being opened to the beauty of what it is. I have learned that perfection in life isn't, "when we have a new house, life will be perfect", or "when the kids get older and the house is clean, life will be perfect". Perfection is experienced in tiny moments. It is that one moment, when the kids aren't arguing, and the baby is playing contentedly by himself. It is that one moment when your husband sneaks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and whispers "I love you" into the back of your neck. The world may be falling apart around you, but that is a perfect moment in time.

I try, every day, to recognize the perfect moments. This was a perfect moment....

And this was a perfect moment. No arguing, no complaining, and they were doing MATH!

And a sleeping little one is always a perfect moment....

I have the sneaking suspicion that perfect moments in time are all around me. The key is slowing down, opening my eyes, and seeing them!

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