Sunday, February 28, 2010
Could it really be spring?!!?
One of the perks of living in a shouse is the garage door. In the winter, it can get cold and drafty, so I cover it with a huge painters drop cloth and a red velvet swag. In the summer, however, we leave our door open from sun-up to way after sun-down. We usually close the door for the season in the end of September or beginning of October and it stays closed until at least mid-April. Even then, we only have a few days here and there that it is warm enough to open the "big door". One of our greatest luxuries is having the door open AND a roaring fire in the stove at the same time! We feel like we are really getting away with something.
Today is February 28th and, yep, you guessed it - the big door is up! Last year at this time we had 8 foot high snow drifts in the front yard and try as we might, we could never seem to get warm. This year, we haven't had any snow since before Christmas and it is a balmy 54 degrees outside. We have even heard birds! I feel like we live in the banana belt. This is very unusual, mind you. Even the old timers haven't seen a winter like this in their lifetime. I must admit, it has been pretty nice.
Sometimes, though I long for walls and doors, I'm not sure I could go back to a "normal" house. Not everyone can open an entire wall and watch God paint a perfect sunset!
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