Friday, June 29, 2012

Reasonable Government

I have had a socio-political awakening.  All these years, I have believed that our all-reaching Government was intrusive and oppressive.  I have railed against the tyranny of self-important potentates dictating their corrupt morality to the masses.  But now, I have realized the error of my ways.  Our government is perfectly reasonable - they are only behaving in accordance with how we created them.

Recently, I came across a song that perfectly describes our current political climate.  Never mind that it is about Zombies - just substitute Judge, Legislator or President for Zombie, and you will have an accurate portrayal of just how reasonable our government truly is.....

NOTE:  For those of you who are wondering, this was written tongue-in-cheek!


  1. What a scream!!!!!!!!!

  2. I've loved this song for a while now, but I warn you not to venture too far into the artist's other songs, they can be a bit crass!

    I got to play a zombie for a theatrical skits set to this song, funny stuff!


  3. That was hilarious! Thanks for posting it!


  4. It kind of changes the tenor of Bill Whittle's "Eat the Rich".

  5. politcians...television...the Department of Education....insert your own zombie here.

  6. Can some one plz. Put that to gether with pictures of the hardcore left, obummer and the occupy types. Would be a hoot

  7. I sure wish you hadn't deleted your post after this one (the Staying the Course). It was very moving and was what I needed to hear. Thank you for posting it.
