Monday, June 6, 2011

Perfection - It's all in your head

The other evening, I experienced a perfect moment in time.  We were watching a movie, all snug and secure in our little shouse.  Master Calvin was tucked in against my shoulder, fuzzy head nestled against my neck, breathing the deep breaths of a contented sleep.  In a chair next to mine, Princess Dragon Snack lay with her head leaning on my other shoulder, our hands firmly clasped.  Master Hand Grenade was lounging against Miss Calamity in easy camaraderie and Sir Knight presided over the our small group with a kingly presence.  Everything was perfect.  Our children were happy (even Maid Elizabeth, ministering in the Philippines was settling in nicely), our home was snug and Sir Knight and I were as one - ruling our tiny kingdom with mercy and benevolence.  Life was perfect.

As I contemplated the perfection that surrounded me, I realized that it had little to do with the world's definition of perfection.  So many times, we are tricked into thinking that perfection comes with that new patio furniture or just the right water feature.  If only we had a new car with all-leather interior, life would be perfect.  If we could get that raise, land that job or buy that house, we would be content and life would be perfect.  But perfection is not a tangible, physical achievement.  It is a state of mind.  Perfection is realizing that you have this moment only and that you are thankful for every good thing.  Perfection comes not from  acquiring some new thing or moving up to the next rung of the corporate ladder.  Perfection comes from being present where you are in this moment of time.

I looked at my contented children and my happy husband and all of the annoying imperfections in my life seemed to melt away.  The fact that we pretend our curtains are actually walls and our drywall has never been taped and painted is of no consequence.  The inconvenience of having to start the generator every time we want to flush the toilet or take a shower has no bearing on our happy life.  The reality of not living where we dream of, is but a passing shadow on a perfect world.

As we face a future of fierce uncertainties, we must see perfection for what it really is.  The here, the now, the moment.  We don't have the promise of tomorrow.  Tomorrow, these children that I love so much may be gone.  My husband, my knight in shining armor, may be taken from me.  But today is perfect.

Perfection really has nothing to do with things or accomplishments.  It has everything to do with how you view life.  Perfection is all in your head.


  1. Wow, good post, so true. I think seeking perfection has led a lot of people down the wrong road. It's the here and now, and being confortable in one's own skin.

  2. That is beautiful. We too are seeking to concentrate and enjoy what we have right this minute and not worry about tomorrow. I've lived the "tomorrow my husband may be taken from me" scenario and its horrible. But on the other side of that, I've been blessed by the most wonderful "Prince Charming" and I am loving every minute of it. Loving and concentrating on today is priceless.

  3. Congratulations Enola!
    You just made it all the way up the rungs of Jacob's Ladder!

    You are so Blessed!
    May you experience many more perfection moments in your life with your gifts of family!


  4. Reality check! And so very true-counting our blessings and appreciating what we have puts the focus on the important stuff-not the things that break, tarnish and fade. I am going to remember today's post when I get on the "when this or that happens" wheel. Thanks:)
    Mary (ft laud)

  5. ain't life grand!

  6. The sweetest ingredients in the cup of life
    (James, "The Widow Directed to the Widow's God" 1841)
    The purest happiness of an earthly nature, is that which springs up in a comfortable home, where there is a loving union of hearts between man and wife.

    The tender sympathies,
    the delicate affections,
    the minute attentions,
    the watchful solicitudes,
    the ceaseless kindnesses of marital love,
    --are the sweetest ingredients in the cup of life, and contribute a thousand times more to earthly enjoyment, than all the possessions of wealth, and all the blandishments of rank, station, and fashion.


  7. Your post was a Godsend.

    My husband and I bought a "fixer-upper". In high hopes we ripped out all the interior walls to redo the electrical, windows and insulate. We realize you didn't have to rip out an entire wall to do those things, but we wanted to do it right. Well, as life happens when we had the money we didn't have the time and when we had the time we didn't have the money. Then God decided it was time for us to start a family of our own (another long story). So, 17 years later we still live in a house that doesn't have interior walls (except for the bedrooms).

    So I was having a pity party for myself, because my brother-in-law and his wife were coming to visit. They have done financially very well in life. They have a beautiful colonial home in VA and everything is picture "perfect". I was embarrassed to have them ... well, anyone .... over and kept thinking if only we could have walls and nice floors, and better furniture ... I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.

    So God reminded me ... through your post ... what is important in life. Our family is blessed beyond measure. I can stay at home and homeschool our kids, my husband took an early retirement and gets to spend so much more time with the kids, plus slowly work on the house. Obviously we don't live "high on the hog", but that's okay, because we have been blessed with so many things that can't be bought with money.


  8. Thank You!! Such a wonderful "wake up" moment! Bless you for your insight, and for sharing.

  9. I, too, was reminded of this the other day. I awoke to the remembrance of the apostle Paul's words, "Count it all joy".

  10. When it all boils down, it is most likely our fear of imperfection that keeps us (Wifey and me) from homeschooling. I envy those of you that have the courage. It scares us to death.
