Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Prepared Family Guide to Uncommon Diseases

They're here!  I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself.  The big brown truck showed up this morning and delivered 5 big boxes of the "Uncommon Diseases" book right to my doorstep.  What a momentous occasion!

I had already ordered one copy and picked it apart bit by bit and I have no doubt I will find something that I don't think is up to par in this edition, but at some point I just had say enough and get it done.  I think the information is tremendously helpful and very timely.  Every day I see some disease mentioned on the news that we thought was all but eradicated.  It seems that many uncommon diseases are becoming not so uncommon after all.  And I think it will only get worse.

Sir Knight and I added a fairly extensive shopping list in the back of the book so you could prepare ahead of a crisis and be armed with appropriate equipment to battle whatever disease may come your way.  Also, there are lists of antibiotics to have on hand and what diseases they are most effective for.  At this point, many antibiotics are available via pet supply sources.  Do your research, know dosages and durations (most of which is in the book) and have supplies on hand before you have a problem.

I did put a button on the left side of the blog, toward the top, that will take you to the Paratus Familia Press website, where you can order your copy of the book.  If any of you have a website and would like to review the book, I would love to hear from you!

Amat victoria curam
     Victory favors careful preparation


  1. I would love to review the book for you on our website:
    Recording the Faithfulness and Provision of God for Future Generations


  2. I review books related to preparedness on my blog,

    My husband is an MD and I know he would be happy to contribute his expertise to the review.


  3. I'll be ordering some copies, too. And I echo Michelle's question.

    Congrats on the book!

    NoCal Gal

  4. Now that's worth knowing about. Sounds like something I should keep in my library up here on the mountain.

  5. Save the Canning JarsJune 8, 2011 at 9:32 PM

    Congratulations! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Will shoot you an email after a few months and ask what would you do differently the next time you self publish. I'm not too bashful to ask for directions from trailblazers!

  6. Hello Anyone!!
    How do I order MORE than one of The Prepared Family Guide to Uncommon Diseases? We've got family, you know and they are ALL clamoring for their copy and we want to give them EACH a copy.

  7. I share your excitement for you in creating and publishing this much needed resource!
    Congratulations Enola!

    Can't wait to get my copy.


  8. How many pages?

  9. Just placed my glad you have provided this kind of information because I'm sure (sadly) we will see a resurgence of these diseases again. Congratulations on your book!!

  10. If you are still looking for reviewers I would love to do that for you. And I second the need for a cookbook :)

  11. Hi Enola, I wanted to buy it but live in Australia. Is there an option for OS posting?


  12. Hello Everyone!

    I just fixed the button on the order page so that folks can order as many copies as they would like!

    The book is 145 pages.

    Amanda - if you want to send me your email address, I will just send an invoice with the OS shipping rate.

    Thank you so much for your encouragement! I would love to hear from you all with reviews after you have the book in your hands!


  13. Dear Laralee from Plymouth Rock Farm - Please email me so that I can get your shipping information! Thanks so much.


  14. Sent you an email :)


  15. Would it be possible to send you a postal money order along with a order for Naturally Cozy included?

  16. I just updated the Paratus Familia Press website with mailing address so that those of you who want to send a Money Order can do so! Thanks so much.

  17. Enola, Can you create a separate side link for posting reviews of this wonderfully informative book! please.


  18. Notutopia:
    I'm so glad you received your book! And I am even more thrilled that you like it! Yes, please send your review and I will see that it gets posted!!!


  19. We would love to review this book!
