Saturday, May 7, 2011

Product Review - Powdered Scrambled Eggs (Stored Foods French Toast)

After trying Augason Farms powdered scrambled eggs we determined that we needed to come up with some recipes in which the scrambled eggs were not the star of the show.  A number of folks mentioned that they used the powdered scrambled eggs to coat bread for French toast and a reader "Nikki" wrote in wanting a review of the scrambled egg powder being used with French toast.

This morning, with French bread freshly baked, we decided to give the powdered scrambled egg another try.  Not to put to fine a point on it, but, it was tremendous!  We sliced the French bead fairly thinly, coated it in the scrambled eggs and cooked slices up on the griddle.  Not only were they fabulous, we really couldn't taste any difference between the powdered eggs and fresh eggs.

Mixing up the egg powder
French bread, thinly sliced
Soaking the bread in the egg mixture
On the griddle
Whole wheat bread coated in the powdered scrambled egg mixture and cooked up would be a perfect, nutritious, post-TEOTWAWKI breakfast.  Not only would it provided you with tons of fiber and protein, it would be a little taste of home.

Our family wholeheartedly, unabashedly recommends the powdered scrambled eggs for use in French toast.  A definite 5 star meal.


  1. Sometimes it just takes finding the right recipe to use something in! Glad the french toast turned out so yummy!
    MaryB in GA

  2. MaryB-How right you are!

    Michelle-I'm so glad you like the biscuits. If you click on the spot where "french bread" is in orange type in the post, it will take you to a bread post I wrote quite awhile ago that has my french bread recipe. It is wonderful - a true family favorite.


  3. I would bet anything is great with your homemade French bread!

    Happy mothers day.

    Love your blog.


  4. I have the same questions as Faithful Mama about your French Bread flour. Have made lots of quick bread but no yeast breads yet. Thank you for your posts Enola.
    :) TK

  5. Now, take two of those slices of French Toast, smear a bit of custard, or creme anglise, or peanut butter, or Nutella between them. Toss in some fresh (or frozen if need be) raspberries. Top with whipped cream that's been whipped Juuuussstt to the edge of becoming butter.

    That's eat'n!

    For some time I've used the scrambled egg mix for things that need "dunking" or breading. Fried chicken, breaded mushrooms, fried green tomatoes, etc.

  6. Thank you for all these reviews. I received my first order today and look forward to experimenting -- next order is powered chocolate milk :-) God bless you!
