Tuesday, June 11, 2013

There but by the Grace of God

For years, I put off writing a blog.  The only blogs I had ever read had been the ramblings of perfect people.  They had made all of the right decisions, lived according to the highest standards and were reaping the immeasurable benefits of their perfectly conducted lives.  They had perfect marriages, perfect children and perfect homes.

I found, skimming through blog after blog, that my imperfect life didn't measure up.  I discovered that although I had made the best decisions I could, I had not been the wife I was supposed to be, we hadn't managed our finances the way we should have, or even built our shouse correctly.....the list of things that I/we had done wrong went on and on and on.

Depression set in.  When I looked around I didn't see a whole world of perfect people, but I sure read about them online.  And then I got to thinking.  I would write a blog.  I would write the truth about a family that wasn't perfect.  About a family that was a work in progress.  I would write about the difficulties of being a Godly wife, a good mother and a modern pioneer woman.  I would offer real-life solutions to difficult, sometimes impossible, circumstances.  I would tell people that even when life didn't go as planned there was always a way through the storm and onto solid ground.  I would write a blog about the fact that good things were worth working for and that character really did matter.

Here's the deal.  We are not perfect.  We try - we fail - and we get back up again.  If you want someone to walk through the muck of life with you - we are here.  If you screw things up, welcome.  If you don't have the finances to have the "perfect" life, you are in the right place.  If your marriage isn't perfect and your children are works in progress, we are happy to share some of the things we have learned.

Our family is here by the grace of God.  And we are here for all of you less than perfect people.  We can't offer much, but we can offer encouragement, support and hope.  We may be a little rough around the edges, but our foundation is firm and true.  We have built our shouse on the Rock.  There but by the grace of God....


  1. Whether we believe or admit it, we're all graced by God!

    "May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace." ~ Numbers 6:25-26 NLT


  2. I love reading about a real family, one who yes lives differently and made it work! It gives me the ok to live to my best and not worry about our family being perfect! So THANKYOU for your blog!

  3. And, that, Enola, is the reason that your blog is always one of the first I read (or, at least look for new postings) each day. As I recall, there was only one (1) perfect man and I read his 'blog' daily, too!! Haven't found another perfect 'anyone' anywhere, regardless of how they paint their lives. That is the beauty of this setting - the internet - if you don't like what you read, go to another site. I really enjoy your candor, your sense of adventure, your dedication to and love of family and your resourcefulness. Keep writing and, thanks for allowing me to see life from your perspective.

  4. No one is perfect. Those people who try to show people how perfect they are have the same problems and disappointments as we do, they just hide it or lie better.

    There's only ever been one perfect human in all of time and that was Jesus.

    Please don't let negative people drag you down. You have an awesome family, an awesome way of life, and I for one am envious. And I live in Hollywood with a large cement pond. ;)


    Dixie Chick in So Cal

  5. Enola, when I first started reading this post, my first reaction was "oh no, she really is going to give up blogging, too". I look at your blog every day, hoping for a new post. I follow your family because you are living the life I am trying to live, in the same neck of the woods that I live in, in the way I aspire to live it (but seem to fail so magnificently at, but I do keep getting back on the horse and try, try again). You give me hope (that I can do this, too), and wisdom (I look at life and the way our country is headed in a similar way as you, but can never express myself to others in such an eloquent way as you do).

    If there are "perfect" people blogging, then they obviously aren't perfect, because they are lying! We are all imperfect and works-in-progress. But how you deal with situations, and post about them, gives us hope and inspiration that we can do it too. Please don't stop blogging about your "imperfect" life. You look pretty good from my view!

  6. Enola, as we all know divorce in the western world is endemic. My husband and I have long concluded that a contributing factor is the perfect family scenario. Every magazine( particularly women's) every news story and as you point out an awful lot of blogs, imply that anything less than perfection in a family is total failure. The reality is though no one has the perfect family, home, lifestyle or relationship( even with God). Most of us are thankful that you share your trials and tribulations with us as you would with close friends, even though we have never met you. For our part that you do helps inspire us to try that little bit harder.
    As Rhonda so accurately points out the only perfect person to have ever lived left his words and ministry to live by. Being mere humans we try and often fail in that too, but as his teaching tell us, that we try is the most important thing.
    Your blog makes us realise we are not alone, and for that we thank you.
    Clare C ( from Wales)

  7. So glad my family isn't the only 'rough around the edges' family around ! I truly enjoy your blog and how you share your heart...and stopping by, I always feel welcome! Thanks!


  8. Enola, You and your family are volunteers in the Lord's army and we are all novices as we work through our lives - each new stage and new challenge is a learning experience. We sometimes fail, but more often have varying degrees of success. A guest speaker made a statement in church a few weeks ago that I thought quite valid; "Remember, the Ark was built by Volunteers, the Titanic by Professionals". May you and your family have a blessed day.


  9. Dearest Ebola,
    We love you all for exactly how God made you. If any of us was "perfect " we would not have needed His Son.

    1. Oh dear! Ebola is a deadly virus, that darned "b" is right next to the "n". You are correct that none of us are "perfect" though. Thanks for the laugh Tami.
      another imperfect person

  10. Like a beloved friend, I always enjoy hearing about the triumphs and disasters that we all have in our lives. It is the journey in life that adds beauty to it and finding inspiration through sharing. We are all more blessed than we think and your blog helps to bring that through sharing. I love reading about you and I feel like I know you and your family and it makes life a little brighter knowing you are there. Thank you for it and bless you and yours.

  11. Keep up the good work, I love it!

  12. I probably couldnt live any more differently then you and your family then humanly possible,but.......I love to read your blog.I fully embrace so much of what you say. I stand arm in arm with you and your convictions on many of your beliefs.I also take all your knocks when you belittle me and my lifestyle. I believe there is a middle ground. I work extremely hard to achieve this . Just as hard as you do to achieve yours! I work outside the home, my children are educated outside the home for 6 hours a day, the other 18 right here at home by my husband and myself.

    Your blog is a blessing to me.Now excuse me while I pack up and head out to the indoor range for a little target practice;)

  13. Amen, amen and amen...


  14. You can't offer much? Encouragement, support, hope and might I add a few more,love, compassion and example. Those are just a few priceless things of which there are so many more. Thank you for sharing your not so perfect life with us. I relate to the ups & downs a lot better to perfection. It's called being realistic. Thank you for the time you take to share it all with us.
    May God Bless ...

  15. Funny, what you described sounds like perfection to me.
    Thank you, Enola, for being an example of the courage and strength that can be built from Faith and honesty to one's self. I hope you know, we are here for you, too.

  16. I know : ) is a Smiley but what symbol is me clapping? you deserve it.

  17. I know : ) is a Smiley but what symbol is me clapping, you really do deserve it. Tony

  18. I love your blog because it is real.

  19. Keep blogging Enola, its the only way for me to get (Captain Crunch's) inane babbling....

  20. I have followed your blog for a long time now and have never posted a comment but felt compelled to do so now. Your blog has been a source of encouragement, education and inspiration for me. Even though your life is different from mine, we live by the same principles. I've learned so much from all your "how-to's" and recipes. I've been inspired to embrace with gratitude the imperfect home and property we have and make it the best that it can be with what we have. I've been encouraged to know that though many miles separate us, I'm not alone! We share many of the same concerns and prayers for our families, our homes, and our country. It's hard for me to express in a few words all your blog has meant to me so I will simply say, Thank you!

    1. " I've learned so much from all your "how-to's" and recipes."
      Me to. If I had not found Simply Perfect Whole Wheat Bread and Old Fashioned Potato Bread breakfast would not be nearly as good as it is. Thank you. I envy your husband.

      City Dude

    2. I had written you an email several months back trying to express exactly what this person did (Anonymous at 9:32 am). I didn't do it nearly as eloquently. Your blog is an inspiration to me and my family and I look to you as a mentor. Please don't stop writing.

  21. I follow your blog because I don't want the "magazine cover" home. I live with chipped up paint, stained carpet, and the typical "not balanced diet". I like to see how resourceful you and your family are and I've mimicked some of the same things! I would love to live as you do and to raise our children off grid more but at this time we can't.
    I respect your choices and I think you are doing a great job, not that MY opinion should matter to you...... you need GOD'S opinion. That anonymous needs to mind his/her own business! And commenting anonymously shows that he/she isn't perfect because they don't want you or anyone of us looking into their lives. It's like my mom say, "It's the pot calling the kettle black!".
    Keep doing what your doing by honoring the Lord and if he is pleased....then that is all that matters......and we are here just to read and benefit from what He is doing in YOUR life.
    By Grace Alone,

  22. Amen! from one imperfect person to another, and God Bless to boot! :)

  23. I have found the same to be true in my blog reading. So many perfect people out there, why is our world so screwed up?! I appreciate your honesty and every post you write!

  24. I can not offer much that has not all ready been written above, but I would like to express my gratitude for the "ministry" that you have done to me, and obviously many others, through your blog. I came to a point in my life where I felt fear and prayer worked: it led me right to this blog! "Show me the way, Lord"...he gave me an example, knowing I needed pictures to boot. ; )

    I once had the picture perfect life and I could not share the truth about it with anyone. It was the most superficial, dangerous predicament I have gotten myself into. Now I often experience minor calamity, disappointments and challenge, but it's all part of "keeping it real", something I actively pursue.

    Thank you for all you do and share.


  25. Thank you Enola. I too have always been inspired by you and your family. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

