Friday, June 7, 2013

If You Can't Say Anything Nice....

Don't say anything at all.  I thought our mothers taught us these principles as children.  Apparently I was wrong.

Recently, an anonymous commented has been lambasting me and our lifestyle, indicating that we were harming our children by living an unwise lifestyle.  They attributed all of our perceived difficulties to poor decision making and self-inflicted hardships.

I am done accepting such ill-mannered critiques.  I have patiently endured unkind remarks for years, knowing the commenter was angry or misunderstood my intent.  No more.  If you don't have anything nice to say - don't say anything at all!

I have often marveled at the drivel some people pass off as acceptable under the guise of "speaking the truth", when in fact they are being rude.  I have decided that in the future, if an anonymous commenter says something I wouldn't allow my children or myself to say, I will no longer publish it on my blog.  If you don't like what I have to say - please don't read what I write.

Enough said.


  1. "Enough said" ... Well said.

  2. Personally, I enjoy your blog and envy your simpler life style. Only negative, is your foody pictures may be destroying to my BMI.

  3. Well said Enola! I often wonder why people read blogs & then proceed to tear the blogger apart. If I read a blog where I totally disagree with the blogger, I just don't read it anymore. How hard is that? I'm sorry you've had to put up with this. I certainly LOVE your blog & all that you share for the edification of others. Thank you from those of us who enjoy your writing & hearing about your lifestyle & delightful family.

    Blessings ~~ Sandi

  4. Your blog has been such an encouragement to my family. Don't let the bad guys get you down. Big hug from western NC! Jennifer in western NC

  5. I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog. It is always nice to know that there are others who share our point of view on many topics. It is a great encouragement to know there are people out there still willing to say what needs to be said.

    As for your children, you seem to have a wonderful home environment in which you work together as a family. That is SO much better than what many children have today. I am sure your children are grateful for their upbringing.

    Keep positive. May God bless you and your family!

  6. Enola, I suspect the commenter is a troll. As you know, many of your readers come from Jim Rawles' site, and he is certainly a target. As well, it is public information that the president's campaign machine was turned into a paid hoard of online trolls, deliberately seeking sites that are opposite their view, and posting all kinds of nastiness. (I've caught them on a site I administrate. I call them out and tell them to go hide under another bridge.)And today there was a report from an insider at DHS that the administration is REALLY feeling cornered, so we can expect more of their ugliness. So good for you for deciding not to give them speech. And you just keeping living the way you and your husband want. Your kids will be so much better prepared for life than pretty much all of the rest of ours!

  7. Yeah, what they said up there. I come here for encouragement and motivation; why would someone regularly read a blog they disagree with in the first place?

  8. Did my comment post?

    Anyway, I agree with them up there :-) Why would someone bother regularly reading a blog they disagree with?

  9. Didn't the Lord say not to throw your pearls before swine? I think the same holds true here, don't waste a moments thought over the ilk and their comments. I am sure you have enough good friends in your life who can speak the truth in love if you need it. You don't need any self-proclaimed prophets rebuking you. I love your blog and am blessed by it as I know many, many are also.

  10. Enola and family- My wife and I really enjoy your blog and have truly benefited from your experience, keep on doing what the Lord is telling you to do. In a very small way we hear some of the same blather locally for having several years worth of wood chopped in advance and installing a backup hand pump in the well. We wonder how those who are so quick with the barbs now will do when the next hard winter knocks the power out for a couple of days when it is 25 below at night. As the Word says - Let him who has an ear hear. Blessings you your family from Oregon's high desert.

  11. Enola,


    I have been doing everything differently than everyone else for the past 46 years and I ain't quittin'
    I learned how to surf at the tender young age of 27 (I took a lot grief from other surfers for it, too old, etc, etc) I persevered and got real, real good years later and peaked with Hurricanes Ivan, Katrina and Ike.
    I was the first "whiteboy" to move into an "all Hispanic neighborhood" The neighbors did not know what to think of me. A large group of neighbors had a big barbecue going on one night, I took two 30 packs of Bud Light over and introduced myself and became very popular real fast.

    "now that was an icebreaker"

    I'd love to move the Redoubt and 'Rattle a few cages"

    Enola, you' all need to keep doin what you'all are doin despite what some others think. Its called Freedom.

    That and also "The Meek shall inherit the Earth' last I heard.

  12. A wise decision!

  13. Enola, you have a great blog and a wonderful family and a life you have chosen to live and enjoy. Obviously, those who disagree yet take the time to read and comment, don't have lives......sad darlings....


  14. Love your blog.

    You GO, girl!

  15. I too love reading your blog so please keep doing what you're doing. I think it's great that you can live the life you want and do what works best for you and your family. Keep up the awesome job!!!!!!

  16. Enola,

    Stand your ground, this is your blog. If a reader doesn't like what you've said, they don't have to read or visit your blog. You should never have to put up with anyone's abuse.

  17. Just want to add my words of encouragement ... I so enjoy reading your blog; thank you for sharing your life experience and for providing your views of things. Please always know that there are more of us here -- with human kindness, than of the haters. The haters always work to destroy -- they are like rust, never at rest. Please don't let them succeed. They've already taken and corrupted so much.

  18. I love your blog, and am so glad you've decided to continue with it. Sorry you're having to deal with trolls!

  19. Enola and Family,

    I have learned much from you over the last couple of years. I would be proud to call you friend even though we have never met. I have learned enough about you and your family to know that you are my kind of people. Try not to let the trolls and snarkers get under you skin too much. I agree with the others above me. We know what they are and what they are trying to do. They will FAIL! Just KNOW, that we are here most every day even when we don't comment. And we support you and yours! You let us know when or if we can help, and those of us that can, will be there!


  20. I check your blog EVERY day. I'm certain that you have so many followers that do the same as I do. I love your insightful thoughtful pieces on lots of topics that so very often puts so much in perspective. You do have a good way with words.

    My conclusion regarding these commenters is that they might be jealous or even lazy that they would not fare as well with the labors that you tackle each and every day. I suspect that your children, husband and you are far happier, healthier and when the SHTF - you and yours will survive.

  21. good for you---peace shadowfaxhound

  22. I am the "troll" that wrote the comment that spurred this post. You might be surprised to know that I am a Christian homeschooling prepper minded person. I own Skousen's book, read survivalblog rural-revolution etc....I don't think prepping is unwise or living in an area that is lightly populated.

    What I was trying to convey is that in this era of nanny
    state govt you might be opening yourself up to
    busybody children services visiting your home. Which happens...a lot to fellow conservatives.

    I like your blog but some of the methodologies I why not a smaler better insulated shop
    that doesn't take as much wood to heat.

    We live were it is hot therefore air conditioning is very expensive. So we are weaning ourselves off of it to where we don't need it..many think we are nuts. But when the grid goes down we want to be ready. We are building a rammed earth house\cabin with 18 inch walls that serve as insulation and defense. There is nothing wrong with prepping but sometimes there can be better ways of going about it.

    I hit a nerve and you were offended. Was not mt intention to hurt your feelings but to ask the why questions I have had for awhile.

    1. One of the reasons this nation is experiencing so many problems is that conservatives have let fear direct their actions. Many do not spank because they are afraid the liberal do-gooders will turn them in. Many children do not know hard work because some liberal law makers have deemed it wrong for children to work. Last year legislators tried to prevent farm kids from doing farm chores until they were 18. HUD regulations specify how big bedrooms and closets can be in low income rental housing and how many kids can be in each bedroom, even if large families that do not use HUD to pay for their rent know that kids can share rooms and have smaller closets. Now we have lunch nazis that deem homemade lunches unhealthy and force kids to buy the commercially prepared slop that comes off the truck frozen and is heated up in vast quantities.

      Six years ago we put our house on the market and moved into our 900 sq. ft. 1942 log cabin in the foothills of the mountains. Our youngest child (the only one left at home) slept in the laundry room with the stacking washer/dryer. It was just wide enough that his twin bed went from wall to wall with a set of build in shelves for the headboard. He was very, very happy in this little room at night, didn't seem to notice the W/D, and all his minimal clothes, toys and books fit on the wall of shelves. Other children at his two room school were appalled, which I find ironic, since many students and parents in the larger schools in the district were appalled that anyone sent their kid to a two room school. We burned wood for heat and when it was bitter cold outside, my son slept in the main room with the woodstove nearby (as did the cats!). This is only relevant because so many people commented to us that our cabin didn't have a real bedroom for our child. Our child never once complained despite having moved out of a house where he had the choice of THREE bedrooms of which to call his own (siblings grew up and left). I would have heaved the w/d out the door before I let someone else decide that we needed to spend our money as they saw fit, not as we saw fit. We chose to build a barn before adding on to our house. Now we have people that ask us why we build such a large house!

      We may as well fear the authorities taking our children because we read the Bible and believe it, or because we homeschool. We must stop living and making our choices out of fear. Enola and Sir Knight make the choices that are best for their family. We must not second guess them. We must all support each other's varied choices and begin to move away from some made up standard that a bureaucrat has come up with.

      I applaud your prepping efforts and your honesty in admitting you believe you are the commenter that precipitated Enola's decision.


    2. Your reply to my comment was appreciated but I disagree with the idea people should not question another prepper. When someone puts their life on a public blog they should know that question and opposing view points may follow.

      I don't disagree with living in a shop. I don't understand the lack on insulation...which
      would lead to less wood choped, less frozen pipes and generally more comfortable. It doesn't have to be expensive either. My 98 yr old grandma told how they would use

      ballef up old newspapers and stick behind chicken wire on the walls...not the best but better than nothing.

      That's why I asked. No I understand we can't live in total fear but we must be as
      gentle as doves and wise as serpents. Luckily they live in a less regulated state but for others it would draw too much attention or our liberal family members would make that call to CPS.

      What I wanted to say wss that other preppers don't live this way like skousen, Rawles, Southern Prepper, Survival Doc and Rural point was this isn't t he only way.

    3. It is good that you own books, especially since you homeschool! A like minded prepper - not so sure. You say you live where it is hot in Texas but you are weaning yourself off of a/c. Then as a prepper you should know about storing food in warm/hot/humid climates. Grab one of those books you say you have and research that. My guess is that when the time does come you will need to worry more about other things besides that a/c. As for Enola, if there isn't much insulation she won't have to worry about weaning herself from the a/c. You see - many of us are just like you and wondering how other preppers handled their a/c issues. I mean is it so wrong to ask follow patriot preppers about their insulation methods?

    4. Please see my other comment about alternative building below.

    5. Look Anonymous, you live your life the way you want and Enola will live her life the way she wants. If you don't like what she is doing then don't do it in your life!! Why is this so hard to understand? You are not a part of her family, if you are full of fear and trepidation then keep them within your sphere of influence and stop forcing your critisms down someone else throat.

      My goodness why on earth would child services come around? Enola is raising her children the way everyone in America use to raise their children. You have been indoctrinated into the NWO and don't even know it. Just because you prep and homeschool doesn't mean you are a patriot. Patriots love freedom and believe in live and let live. If you question methodologies to learn that is one thing, to question to lambast that is another altogether. Improve your communications skills so that you will not be misunderstood. It is not Enola fault for being offended. The fault lies with the person doing the communicating. I've been reading Enola blog since she started and I know her through her writing and if she said you were rude, then you were rude. I think an apology is in order. There was no apology in your response and that speaks volumns of the content of your character.

      We must always consider other peoples feeling when making comments. We should not add to the unhappiness in this life but do all we can to bring kindness and consideration to the table of human interaction.

      So, next time check yourself and your motives before opening your mouth or writing down your thoughts. How can you teach your children to be polite to others when you yourself do not practice the same? Yes, I'm chastising you as I would a child, I sure I trump you in age and experience. I have had to set many adult straight in my life thus far. If you don't know Jesus seek him out and drop to your knees before him because you need him as we all do. With out him we cannot possibly know how to treat others.

    6. Number one, it is nobodies business but Enola's family of the whys and wherefores of their home materials and how they live. Enola does this site on her own dime. You don't own her and she decides whether she likes you or not or whether she wants your comments or not. You don't sound like a conservative even though you claim to be. Blogs are just places to share thoughts and ideas of the person who owns the blog. They are not fodder for those that disagree. They are places that like minds can and gather and enjoy each others company as it were.

      You are not paying Enola for her 'service' of information, so, no you don't have a right to be critical. If you go to blogs that like posting bid bad comments and you like that enviroment then good for you, but don't try to impose that way of thinking here; what you think her blog 'should' be and what you think she 'should' do.

      For those of use that love Enola's blog we like getting together and encouraging one another. I like Enola's honesty and forthrightness in my mind we are kindred spirits and I like the people that come to her blog and comment; there is commeraderie here. I have no interest in reading people's nasty comments. I enjoy sweetness and kindness. I like to come to this site and learn and soak in the good vibes.

      Just because YOU don't think you're rude doesn't mean you aren't rude. You keep defending your comments when you would be best served by apologizing for offending. But people like you keep defending themselves because in your heart you think you know what is best for people and you think by pushing that people will eventually shut up and give in. You are a manipulator. This also shows immaturity as well. You are on your high horse looking down at people and this stems from a deep seated insecurity and unhappiness in your life. Oh, you will say you are happy, but happy people don't waste time looking for faults. Happy people don't try to cause unhappiness. Happy people are quick to apologies if they have caused someone pain. Happy people are not self serving and self centered. Happy people don't feel a need to prove anything to anybody. Happy people like other people to be happy.

      E'nuf said; for now.

  23. I think that one of your previous commenter's has it perfectly. They are trolls PAID to come to conservative blogs and harass the writers and readers! I love your blog and think that you and sir Knight are raising a wonderful family. After all how many other female teenagers would save their money to buy a cross bow. Hugggggss

  24. In their hearts, they know your lifestyle is wholesome and good. Now they feel guilty because they are not living a wholesome/good lifestyle and if they have children, they really feel bad. Because of these bad feelings, in their ignorance, they blame you. So they rudely attack you. I say for these complainers your articles are pearls before swine. You do rightly to ignore them.

  25. Thank goodness it is still YOUR right to chose what you want to see posted on YOUR blog. Love reading about YOUR choices and experiences as you live and rear your children in a way that GOD has called you to. Keep up the good work!

  26. (^only because I am between blogs at this time ) To Anonymous at 7:18 am; I notice that Enola moderates her comments. We don't see everything that she sees. Is it possible that someone wrote something that was nowhere near as reasonable as you feel yours was? Maybe someone really lit into her? The anonymity of the internet lets people feel they can do such things with impunity, so it's possible.

    I came here because I was depressed over the incessant scandals and the growing apostacy I see around me. The wholesomeness of this blog really ministers to my soul, but so do the comments. Reading everyone's encouragements to Enola above has blessed my socks off! Enola- thanks for continuing to write!

  27. Sorry to disappoint but I am not a "paid troll". If the commentors would scroll up they could see my earlier comment identifying myself....please stop the conspiracy comments t hat yhe libs hired me to attack conservative blogs.

    I voted for Ron Paul, homeschool, am a very conservative baptist and prep. Why is it so hard for people to believe that another prepper might have questions about the ways of other patriots?

    1. Their comment came in within minutes of yours so they probably never saw yours before they posted.

      We're homesteaders too as Enola and Sir Knight are. We do some things the same as they do and others very different than they do. I don't question their methodologies at all. What works for them is great for them. What works for me is great for me.

      Your rammed earth house might work well for you but wouldn't work for me. It would be moldy, musty, and damp all the time. But I could just as easily ask you why you're doing it as it doesn't make sense to me. But then, I don't know your environment, as you don't know mine nor Enola's. Pretty hard to question methodologies when you don't know all the variables.

      Enola, we love your blog and visit it daily looking for new articles. You guys keep up the good work. I know God is blessing you and your family and will continue to do so.

      Petra in SW Oregon...

    2. Actually rammed earth works very well in your climate in Alaska and canada as well. Many of the nicest rammed earth homes are in the northwest.

      Again people are missing my point...not questioning how or where they live but some of the details like no insulation...I could care less about walls though some around the bathroom might be nice:). Why not partition off the shop and havr a living side and a storage/shop area...which is what some preppers here in Tx do.

      Why is that so wrong to ask? Perhaps yhere is a reason and it makes sense and could help others in there prepping but no that's not acceptable I guess. Just accept and never question...really? I am not a sheeple and questioning is what led me to be a prepper.

    3. Sorry Petra but you don't really know what your talking about when it comes rammed earth structures. Please do some research and you might be pleasantly surprised. They are quite cheap to build ($30 a sq foot), warm and sturdy...many in europe are over 400 yrs old. If cob worked in England and Wales rammed earth can work in the redoubt. We are buiding in east tx where we get around 40-50 inches of rain a yr. I encourage all preppers to at least look into it.

    4. The comments above - way too funny - great entertainment for a Sunday afternoon. Enola, here a is modest plug for you.
      Dear Anonymous, if you were just questioning the method, insulation rating, etc. and have some good ideas then please send the funds to do so c/o Enola and Sir Knight. Be sure to include the entire amount for materials in her area as they might vary from state to state. So easy to question another when you are not there - As for me and my home we will serve the Lord and read and glean what we can and stick with Matthew 7 (I won't write out what Matthew 7 says just in case you want to do a little research. I am always a reader but a rare commenter and am encouraged by this blog. P.S. How kind to know that someone is concerned for you having to chop so much wood -- too cute!

    5. Rammed earth really doesn't work here in SW Oregon. I've been in a few of them here and they are all exactly as I described. My research has been first-hand.

      I've been in some stone homes here as well and they fare about the same.

      Petra in SW Oregon

  28. Enola,

    I could not agree more. Your blog is just that, yours. It is not a place for people who can't be nice to come dump all their garbage. There are thousands of blogs that express opinions and lifestyles that I frankly find offensive. I don't spend my time reading them, and I don't lash out at the writer with unkind and hateful words. What is the point EXCEPT to hurt? How does that open a dialogue, express an intelligent counterpoint, or change someone else's mind?

    I'm so sorry you've been subjected to this nastiness. I've always found a quiet comfort when I visit your blog, and I hope this doesn't stay with you for very long.

    Blessings to you,


  29. I just wanted to chime in and say thank you very much for the time you spend on your blog. I've been a long time avid reader via RSS feeds and you have inspired me in many ways.

    If the anonymous poster above is the same as who caused the initial ruckus, then I'm glad they came forward to try and clarify themselves, but even if the specific post was a misunderstanding there are probably 100s of others that are contentious, people being they way they are.

    I would trade many parts of my world for a situation like your little shouse and family. As another poster has said, I consider you and yours neighbors and friends even though I live in Texas and we have never met. Keep up the fantastic work. You are making a real difference in some people's lives.

  30. I love your blog and you to bits. It saddens me deeply that there are just so many people out there that have nothing better to do that to tear someone else down. This is a trend that I have been seeing growing. I am so sorry that you have been subjected to this sort of behaviour.

    I know it is far easier to say than to do sometimes but hang in there and try not to allow thoughtless people like this to sully the awesome work you do here.

  31. I am a relatively recent reader and I have very much enjoyed reading your blog and have certainly learned a great deal. We all have too much to do in our days without having to deal with the mental and emotional stress of namby-pambys. While there are certainly people whose ability to phrase a question respectfully is in doubt, there are many more out there who enjoy/get paid for/having nothing better to do than troll and exude negative ill-will. God invented the delete button for a reason. Have at it. God bless, Lake Lili

  32. It's your blog and your call. I support your decision to edit or delete offensive or argumentative poster. I for one thoroughly enjoy your blog. Keep up the good writing. Thank you.

  33. I think you are doing an exemplary job of raising your children and they are very fortunate to be living the lifestyle that they are. Your family and others like your are the only real hope this nation has. Keep up the good work! I read our blog as soon as I see you've sent one.

  34. so sorry about the nasty comments you have experienced. i really enjoy and learn so much from your blog. such timely and useful topics. thanks for taking the time to post these things for all of us who are still learning about prepping.

  35. There are nasty people everywhere, who feel it is their duty to share with you their preceptions of your inadequacies for the "greater" good. I have a two word retort for them!

    Least we forget most of us come from a life style very much like the one you have chosen within the last 4-6 generations. When did we become so lofty? The stories my grandparents told sound like heaven to me and I as well as readers of your blog are living proof that this lifestyle is NOT harmful to children, or we wouldn't be here. In fact your I believe your children are so very lucky to have 2 very loving, caring and thoughtful parents. I loved my parents dearly but they taught me a lot of things that I have taken 56 years to overcome, and your children will NOT have those same challenges.

    I love reading your blog and I so admire how you live and envy your children the beautiful life they have. I did not learn there were alternate ways of living until a few years ago and would love to be able to go back 40 years and restart my life. I know it is glib to say don't let others thoughts and perhaps envious comments hurt you, they do. But please brush them off and move forward and please let me continue to live vicariously through your beautiful family. God Bless. Sandi Jo

  36. Sorry for your trouble!
    I for one have nothing but admiration for your very deliberate choices of lifestyle. From what I read on your blog, you are excellent parents and your children walk into life well-equipped for whatever it may throw at them.

    It's so much harder making your own way than going along with the mainstream, and you're exactly doing this, taking the "road less travelled".

    To me, you are an inspiration! Ignore the trolls!


  37. you are right. People are rude. It amazes me what people say about our family right in front of our children- because we have more than the accepted amount.
    They ask if have figured out how children get here. Or maybe I should try birth control.
    Can you imagine? I couldn't fathom having a blog.
    I love your blog. I don't always agree with you but I have only posted a few times. Mainly on gift suggestions and delicious recipes.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Ma'am:
    If possible, delete my previous post. I thought I was at another site which does not let anonymous folks post.
    I do love this site and your postings. Somehow I even have Infidel armor now..
    God Bless, Cosmolined

  40. Enola and Sir Knight!!!!!!


    You'all may want to really check this out.

    It sounds like a good plan to me so far.....

    1. DO NOT open the link above, it contains Malware....

  41. Enola here. I'm not entirely sure how this became about my insulation or lack thereof. I have never claimed to live in an UN-insulated shouse. Are you kidding me?! I do live in a shouse with no central heating, which means that it is cold in the morning. I'm pretty sure my children will live through such indignities. As for simply asking me questions - I am always open to honest questions about the way that we choose to live. However, the comment that sent me over the edge contained what I believe was a thinly veiled threat against my children. That is a road nobody wants to take. You can say anything about me that delights your heart - all bets are off when you disparage or threaten my children.

    Shall we put this nastiness behind us and get on with the things at hand? We have work to do, ya'll.

    1. Enola,
      Some people just cannot say things "nice" no matter how hard they try. You keep up the good work. By the way, when my children were younger, I had a dentist's office threaten to report me for "medical neglect" because I would not get a filling in one of my daughter's teeth. It was the next in line to "fall out" and there was no reason to fill the microscopic "cavity". I told the woman to never, ever threaten me and we never went back there again. I told my MIL about it and that I felt that if we did not have insurance, nothing would have been said and I felt they were lining their pockets. She said she had heard the same thoughts from others. Keep up the good work.

  42. Amen Sister Enola. I believe those snarky disgruntled posters are...jealous of your lifestyle and your determination to live it. I would wager because they don't have the intestinal fortitude to break free of their reliant life, they hammer you with their insipid ideas.

    I admire You & Sir Knight for living the life so many dream of living, reliance on God & yourselves.

  43. Don't empower some closed-minded idiot by stopping the blog. I appreciate your writings and perspective. Keep up the good work.

  44. I find your blog to be a good read. I may not agree with every little thing, but there are polite ways to disagree, or to clear up any misunderstanding. Generally, a few polite questions clears up any confusion.

  45. Blessings!
    I couldn't agree more. I got very tired of the anonymous lambasting, so I put my settings to allowing ONLY registered users to comment on my blog. I will listen to what they have to say as long as they are willing to own it :) I never leave anonymous comments because I stand behind what I say. I think it's cowardly to hide behind anonymous. Just my two cents :) In the meantime I enjoy reading your blog.

    God be with thee!
    Sister Lori

    1. Spot ON Sister Lori! I (and probably many others based on their strong supportive posts) would gladly "register to post." Registered posting allows others an excellent blog to read/comment and allows those who "nip at heels & run" nothing to hide behind. (;

      You have my support Ms Enola!


  46. Enola ... I rarely comment on posts. I had taught the upper level sciences for years and can understand when you might be misunderstood. However, I also know when it is wise to NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON SOMEONE'S NONSENSE. So glad to see the response you gave - your post is a must read for my wife and I, greatly enjoy seeing common sense displayed for a change !

  47. I enjoy your blog so much and agree with so much of what you write. You are truly a wonderful example for us all.

  48. So often I read your blog and feel my heart swell--because I'm proud of you for standing up for what you believe, especially in the face of adversity and "not so well" wishers.You set a beautiful example for so many, please, continue to do so, because I LOVE to read about your lifestyle, cooking, etc... This is the lifestyle we are striving toward bit by bit.....

    Sassy C

  49. You are nicer then your friend, Patrice, But I like both of your blogs and look forward to catching up with you when every I can.

  50. Wonderful! I greatly enjoy your writing and it will be that much more pleasurable to read the comments without unkind words. (I confess that most of the time, I skip the comments to avoid reading rude screeds - on all blogs.)

  51. This post made me so very sad, Enola.
    First that you had to endure the rude, hurtful comments from a poster.
    Then, that you allowed others to do it back.
    You did say, "If your dont have anything nice to say...."
    As believers, we need to lead by example. I understand the need to protect our children, and you are absolutely just in doing so. After all, when the day of judgement comes, we must be able to stand and give account for ourselves and our children.
    However, after reading your initial post, I was surprised that you would allow all the negative comments toward the anonymous poster. The Scriptures say, "Turn the other cheek," not "Return fire!"

    Just something to think about.
