Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Martha Stewart Meets Duck Dynasty

As most of you know, our family walks with our feet firmly planted in two worlds.  One world is beautiful, refined and full of "Good Things".  The other is, well, a little more unorthodox.  As I attempted to explain the complexities of our lifestyle to a new acquaintance, I came to the conclusion that we are the epitome of "Martha Stewart Meets Duck Dynasty".  How can that be, you ask?  Let me show you some examples.....

1.  Our Martha Stewart:  A daily indulgence in 4 o'clock tea, freshly brewed, served in fine china, accessorized with french linens.  It's a good thing.

2.  Our Duck Dynasty:  Spending the afternoon destroying a car in the backyard with every caliber weapon known to man.  Happy, Happy, Happy.

3.  Our Martha Stewart:  Enjoying fresh, homemade fettuccine, with Alfredo sauce made with our own homemade Parmesan cheese and homemade french bread, fresh from the oven, along with a glass of homemade wine.  It's a good thing.

4.  Our Duck Dynasty:  Returning the bowling ball that our neighbor (1/2 mile away) shot into our garden with his bowling ball cannon so that the kids can watch him shoot it again.  Happy, Happy, Happy.

5.  Our Martha Stewart:  Making sure we keep up with our weekly silver polishing routine.  It's a good thing.

6.  Our Duck Dynasty:  Quickly butchering 3 deer at once so we can get them off the kitchen table in order to set it for dinner.  Happy, Happy, Happy.

7.  Our Martha Stewart:  Writing a chapter in my cookbook called "Appetizers, Beverages & Tea Time Indulgences".  It's a good thing.

8.  Our Duck Dynasty:  Writing recipes in my cookbook for "Animal Rennet from a suckling ruminant animal - kid, calve, lamb" and "Witchety Grubs".  Happy, Happy, Happy.

9.  Our Martha Stewart:  Bringing out Great Grandmothers "Breakfast China" every spring (I call it our "Summer China") and her "Luncheon China" every fall (I call it our "Winter China).  It's a good thing.

10.  Our Duck Dynasty:  Requiring butchering, rendering, hunting, canning and stalking in our children's core curriculum.  Happy, Happy, Happy.

This list could go on and on - this is just a sampling.  As you can see, we love "Good Things" and we are Happy, Happy, Happy.  Here's to the refined and rustic and all of you!


  1. PERFECT! Enjoyed this post!

  2. Fabulous. I'm still laughing about the bowling ball cannon ..

  3. Wonderful balance of two worlds! Notice I did NOT say "perfect" balance.

    Perfection is an illusion, like a mirage in the desert. You'll die before you ever reach it (^¦

  4. You have a wonderful life. You're very blessed.

  5. We must be related! This sounds like our family. Love it.

  6. You have the best of both worlds! I would love your Alfredo sauce recipe. I use jarred sauce and I'm sure yours is much better. Thanks.

  7. Does your bowling ball cannon run on acetylene, with a spritz of oxygen? Years ago, my grandfather and uncle had a bowling ball cannon, and a smaller one that fired dead "D" size batteries (well, you could fire live ones too, but that would be a waste), and it ran on welder's oxygen/acetylene. Cheaper than black powder.
    I'm glad I had the parents/family/experiences I did..never had to polish silver-all our "silverware" was stainless steel...

  8. Can't wait for your cookbook. The tea chapter sounds heavenly!

  9. I'd watch this show religiously. When does it air? And what channel? ;)

  10. I have enjoyed your blog wisdom and solar experience. Could you please do an update on the battery life saver or the BLS. Was this a useful tool for your battery pack. I have a small solar system of 1305 watts a In your opinion would a bls extend the life of battery bank.nd six volt golf cart battery pack of 1320 amp hours.

  11. I have just found a kindred spirit. I found you through "5 Acres and a Dream" and have read through a few posts. I, too, am imperfect. I, too, am tired of all the perfection out there. Holy smokes, it is like reading a post from myself as I would like to live -- off grid and so forth. In the meantime, I will come visit often!

  12. You remind me of Ma in the Little House books. Although she was a pioneer wife doing all the rough work far away from "civilization" she always made sure that after the butter was churned, she pressed it into her glass butter mold decorated with strawberries and leaves and how Laura always thought it looked so beautiful. Ma also always tried to keep just a little white "company" sugar if she could (no matter where in the wilds she lived). I guess you could say she and you are cut from the same cloth.

  13. I had to google Duck Dynasty to see what it was about since we no longer have cable television. LOL. Sounds interesting. We love refined and rustic at our house too!

  14. when do you think your cookbook will be out? I want to mark my calendar so I get one.

    1. It goes to the editor this coming Thursday. It has to be edited, done and printed by July 25! I'll keep you posted. I can't wait to have all my favorite recipes in one place!!


  15. i'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! I'll be ordering one.

  16. Haha! That's was fun to read! My little family of 3 (at home) live in a small farming community, so naturally, we love Duck Dynasty! My brother got married last weekend and our family wore "Everybody is Happy Happy Happy" T's to the wedding. Thankfully it wasn't a formal wedding!
