Monday, January 30, 2012

What part of "Police State" don't we understand?

They are watching.  They are listening.  They are acting.  No longer do we have the freedom to say what we want, write what we want or do what we want.  If our thoughts are not in line with politically correct standards, we will be sought out and reprimanded.  If we continue in our evil ways, we will be dealt with accordingly.

I am under no illusion that my blog is not being mined for potentially "seditious" content.  Some of my blog posts have been blocked from Facebook and Twitter.  The Constitution, in its intended form, is no longer governing this country.  We are at the mercy of the "jack-booted thugs" that have waged war against humanity since ancient times.  We thought that our precious liberties were iron-clad - that we would never succumb to an over-reaching government.  But we became complacent.  We didn't discipline ourselves to live according to laws of God.  And now, the fruit of our rebellion is ripening.

Recently, two people, traveling from the U.K., had the audacity to post irreverent comments on Twitter (whatever the heck that is) while flying into the U.S.  On their arrival, they were met by DHS (remember - the Jack-booted thugs I mentioned?), questioned and deported back to Briton.  They mentioned something about "destroying America", apparently referencing a drinking and partying binge and digging up Marilyn Monroe (a TV show reference, according to the article I read).  And for that, they weren't allowed to enter this country.  Really.

We have come to a point in history where our thoughts are being monitored and evaluated by numerous governmental agencies.  No longer can we freely express our opinions, thoughts or religious beliefs without the threat of reprisal, from which there is no redress of grievances.  We stand on the precipice of complete tyranny.  The Police State is rising. Only through a united stand for what is good and right can we stem the spread of the cancer that is our government.  We MUST stand for good in the face of evil, no matter what the cost.  If we do not - we will leave our children to live in a world of fear, poverty and bloodshed.

If we don't act, then who?  If not now, then when?  Who will stand between good and evil?  It must be me.  It must be you.  The Police State is at our door.  Will we answer?


  1. and this is just the beginning.... :(

    1. the president has something instore for every american citizen out there including our family as well. we have done everything to prepare but most of all prayer, asking for forgiveness, and hoping that the almighty GOD and jesus will help us out and make our deaths swift and let us reign in heaven with him by his side. he is watching on a daily basis and knows our everymove and tells us what to do its called guidance and the bible. soon it will be illegal to own a bible or have one in our possession. it is coming down to the nitty gritty, and god is watching us. there will be a time for everyone and everyone a time. the children are so young and volnurable, they need to be educated by us parents so they will atleast have a chance. this can be for the good too. survival is hard and its what u make of it. dont care if big brother is watching or listening , u dont have to answere to anyone but your god and jesus, thats all anyone else is trash taking up space and oxygen.

  2. What do we do? Besides living a life to ourselves, self-sufficient as best we can, educating our own children, and voting the "correct" person to office? Really, tell me.... because I'm with you, sister. This is a serious question I'm asking. How do we stop all this government interference and tyranny? I'm only one person and I want all this to stop, so what do I do? LOVE your blog....

  3. This has been ongoing for sometime and is escalating dramatically. Many people know this; many people are still asleep and don't care.

    Petitions do not work, elections are rigged. We all know the problems but, to my way of thinking, things have gone beyond the point of no return unless...UNLESS.. we either file lawsuits and get them in their pocketbook (who has that kind of money?); or more and more people opt-out and take the side road by not participating.

    All very hard to do but somewhat doable. Getting out of the system is hard when things are so entrenched in our society. But still doable with much diligence. Stop the credit cards, stay out of govt monies, entitlements and entities, just STOP participating in as many things as humanly possible. In a drugged up society as America - hooked on mind altering drugs - legal and illegal - most will simply be part of the bigger problem..especially when they can't/won't be able get their drugs. Or even buy food.

    Thankfully we know God has the ultimate control of all and He limits satan in his devious deeds. The bible tells us exactly what is going on and what will - WILL - happen. It also gives us the very best information on what to do.

    God used Pharaoh (another demonic spirit like those who think they are in control today) for His own purposes to show His people His mighty power and miracles.

    The best thing we can do is study - STUDY - the Holy Scriptures. This has happened before. God tests His people. He also scourges His own to see if they are fit for His soon kingdom to come. We cannot look to "man" for help but only to Yeshua Messiah and keep the commandments and have the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12.

    1. File lawsuits? The taxpayers will end up paying for that.

  4. The meat grinder is oiled and the blades sharpened!

    I fear no earthly evil men, only more humbled to God, my Father.

    Push me, and I gain strength and clarity and purpose.

    I will not concede to a state of Tyranny.

  5. "Getting out of the system is hard when things are so entrenched in our society."

    There is no escape from the system now. We must hope the system is destroyed so we can start anew.

    Tough times ahead.

  6. Madam: I am under no illusion that my responce to your post is not being 'mined' for seditious content. I am under no illusion that our ever present friends.... are with us now. Keep calm Ma-am! 'They' really don't want to rock the boat until after the elections. What plans have you for the day this blog... net... system.. cannot be used to communicate at all? It isn't bad... yet but it makes me heart sick to be able to actually .. see it in my.. our.. near future.

    Keep stacking.... but give some thought about stacking some of it in another location........... OPSEC Uber!

    Yours in border line paranoia and readyness..... Thomas T. Tinker

    1. this is not a funny kind of perinoia. this is a deathly serious perinoia. our children have to be hid and we have to tell our children to be more careful than ever now about the ignorance of the government and where all this crap stemmed from. I have 4 children all under 18 years of age and they think im over reacting. they have no idea what the govT is up to and i know a little too much, i used to wear a uniform i used to fight in a war, i learned the hard way and they r learning from me. its ashame i have to teach them this kind of reality, but the schools wont teach them and i want them to know the truth. i want them to be able to survive, if only one survives this historicle hitler style of life i will be so proud atleast one listened. I warn them constantly about chemtrails, and other toxins in the air, they know when to come into the house and are very rarely sick because i let them know about the signs of the exposure our gov't is putting in our air outside. they r really educated about shots, and viruses. they r educated about processed foods, and toxins in aluminum cans, and plastic bottled water, i want them to be healthy and smart and if they r anything like me they will question everything do research and get the answers and live and learn even if its the hard way atleast they will have learned.

  7. Dear Enola Gay, this seems to be the appropriate time for me to say good-bye. I've decided to unplug from the world wide web because of the reach the government has through it. Nearly every keystroke, every email, every comment is analyzed and datamined by somebody somewhere. Who knows what they'll do with that info? So, I will return to using other means of communications, although those other means may become unavailable in the next few years. And truth be told, the powers that be can also intercept those communications, as well, if they want to. BTW, I am not advocating others drop out, but this is one step I'm taking. My attitude is this: why make it easy for them?

    As was said not long ago, change begins within each of us. We must change if we want our country to change. We must be honest and demand honesty if we want our politicians to be honest. We must be fiscally responsible if we expect our government to be fiscally responsible. We must be moral if we want others around us to be moral. As Glenn Beck says, we must be more like George Washington (sans the slaves) if we want to save our country. Personally, I'm striving to be like Martha.

    We must put our faith in God, not in government. Government has never been the answer. Everything this country was, came from our faith in God and our adherence to biblical teachings. When we cast aside God, we chose our fate. Can America be saved? Truly, God only knows. If we individually repent and strive to be better, maybe He will once again smile on America. I pray that happens. I pray. We should all pray, IMO. Just as Jesus is my savior, so He can save America. But only if America is worth saving. Please pray.

    I've got your mailing address, so I'll write occasionally just to see how you're doing. And I will continue to patiently await the publication of your cookbook. ;) So, although I won't be posting comments here again, I will not forget what you've taught and shared and how much you've helped me see. May God bless you richly, Enola and family.

    NoCal Gal

    1. Who cares what they do with it..Stand up, speak up, if not now when? Do you think you will fight when it costs blood and body, father, son and daughter? Germany got as bad as it got because people refused to speak up before the murdering, when it was easier and safer.

    2. Jon, I am not ending the struggle. I am merely ending the easy access too many have to my personal information. Don't you see the difference?

      I have been fighting against secularism and progressivism my entire adult life. Have you? Please don't assume that because I refuse to be used by the system that I am acquiescing or going silent. Nothing could be further from the truth.

      We each do what we can do to try to restore this country. I believe that the hippies had it right long ago - act locally. So I am going to try to clean up my local politics and end the corruption and graft here in my town. Maybe it will trickle up. LOL

      Leaving the internet does not mean leaving reality and hunkering down in a bunker somewhere. I'm not hiding, I'm not cowering; I'm merely trying to thwart their efforts to use my information against me.

      Keep up the passion, Jon, we need more people to be as concerned as you are. God bless you and all who love God and who respect the US Constitution.

      Now I must go, my DSL service will be disconnected per my request at 2pm today and I have other good-byes to write.

      Stay alert. Stay safe. Never forget who wins in the end!

      NoCal Gal

    3. I'm with Jon- withdrawing?? Capitulation is what began the French Revolution.

      That is pathetic.
      This is why we won't stand up for our country. Everyone is afraid.
      Afraid of our government!!?!!

      Yes- go snivel Ms. Gal
      Women want to run the world and when things get scary they will turn tail and run.

    4. My Dear NoCal Gal,

      As one 'useless eater' to another, I just want to say that I think it's already too late, so opting out now is pointless. This 'web' or 'net' is already fully around us. Even if you stopped posting right this minute, 'they' can always kick in your door and drag you away for something {cough} seditious that you already posted. Why not stay with us and continue to give us your wise point of view on things?

      As an aside, I listen to Alex Jones on and The radio show is free and is extremely informative, extremely enlightening.

      God Bless,
      Janet in MA

  8. Is the boy in the closet Elias Gonzalez, the boy a few years ago who was turned back to his father in Cuba? He was taken away by the feds, I think.
    --K in OK <><

    1. Yes, that is Elian Gonzalez. A dark day in our history, thanks to Janet Reno and Bill Clinton. Not the only dark day from them (Waco).


    2. Yes, Elian Gonzales and Waco and Ruby Ridge.....we must pray and be like the wise virgins and be prepared for the bridegroom's coming!

  9. Enola,

    I got to thinking about it and I know 'someone upstairs' is watching out for me and keeping me around for some reason. I figure their are many, millions of other people that God's watching out for also in this country. Thats what gives me hope.

    We are the silent majority. We vastly outnumber the "fruits, nuts and flakes" we see on TV every night and we VOTE!.

    One small "miricle" I noticed lately was the husband and wife next door. They have a six year old son and were trying to have another baby. Last year the wife had a miscarrige. Now they just found out that the wifes not only pregnant again, but pregnant with TWINS!

    Its stuff like that, that gives me hope for this country and humanity.

    1. for who? Romney? Gingrich? Pro Patriot Act people? Gingrich wants to expand the Patriot Act. he said so during a debate- CNN had the video.

      Ron Paul. and he is far from perfect. but better than most.

      Get the idea that the foreign policy in America has been decent for 50 years out of your heads.
      Both the voices from left or right are condemning Paul's foreign policy-DEMONIZING it. It is without context.

      So who is this silent majority and for whom will they vote?

      I'm not a gambling person but I will bet that Obama wins again. He is doing the Lords work. His heart is in "His" hands. Poor sucker!!

  10. I totally agree. It seems most americans are apathetic. I DO believe that many, many people here WANT the gov't to take care of them therefore they don't care that gov't thugs are taking away their constitutional rights. Our 1st, 2nd and 4th rights are eroding daily. READ your constitution and Bill of Rights and you will see what I am saying. Vote? YES, by all means vote...but I have yet to talk to ANYONE WHO VOTED FOR, it IS likely elections are rigged. Elections are rigged elsewhere in the world so if you don't believe it can't happen in the U.S. of A you are in the dark. OUR gov't will do ANY thing it can to gain control over its people--even assassination. OUR constitution REQUIRES citizens to have militias AND these militias are to keep tabs on OUR gov't and to make sure OUR gov't is upholding the constitution. As of NOW, the people are not keeping their part of the deal. We MUST keep the PEOPLE in control of the gov't--not the gov't in CONTROL of the PEOPLE. I pray it is not too late. Shadowfaxhound

  11. Our Pastor is a ‘1776 Pastor’. Last Sunday tackled the subject of ‘Where Christians are today’. He quoted French historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859), “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” He went on to describe how presidential candidate Ron Paul was treated in the recent SC debate. Dr. Paul stated that we must stop these never ending unconstitutional immoral wars. Dr. Paul then advocated that America needs to go back to the ‘Golden Rule’ (Matthew 7:12). Now get this. People in the audience who call themselves Christians booed him and drowned him out! Folks this was in South Carolina, arguably the heart of the Bible Belt.

    Americans are so off course that the killing of thousands of innocent people is dismissed now as simply ‘collateral damage’. It is not surprising coming from a so-called Christian country where millions of unborn babies meet the same fate each year.

    Sadly I agree with Anonymous 06:52, “We must hope the system is destroyed so we can start anew.” America is no longer a ‘good’ country, no longer ‘the Shining City on a hill’. America has ceased to be good. I chose to move thousands of miles to the American Redoubt. Maybe Gomorrah will self-destruct before the jack-booted thugs come to make an example of us for refusing to bow to government. If not, and in the absence of divine intervention, I want to make a last stand with God-fearing Patriots. Like our Pastor says, throughout the Bible God chose to do His work with small ‘remnants’ of people.

    NoCal Gal, many good people here have made the same decision as you to go dark. It was the best decision for the safety of their families. But they are here and ready to serve. Keep safe.
    Montana Guy

    1. No. No. No. We must do everything we can to restore the system. To hope the system is destroyed, and that out of the ruin we will be able to rebuild is childish and not borne out by history. If you think it is hard now......

    2. Jon, by 'system' I am referring to Washington DC. The folks I know who are moving to the American Redoubt (Mountain States region) want to RESTORE government, STATE government! Washington DC has thoroughly trampled our US Constitution, including the Bill of Rights 10th amendment guaranteeing States Rights. The federal government has authority over just 21 responsibilities. All other powers are “reserved to the States”. That is States with a capital ‘S’.

      Does anyone honestly think DC can be fixed? It is already bankrupt. DC (‘the system’) is already destroying itself. For starters, let take federal entitlements. They are clearly unconstitutional and must be stopped. If you don’t agree with me you can take it up with James Madison, also known as the “Father of the Constitution”. Madison stated, “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.” So, would anyone who believes DC can be fixed please explain exactly how you would stop entitlements?

      As for your claim that rebuilding from ruins is childish and not borne out by history, tell that to the independent States who rose out of the former USSR in 1991. Let’s tackle our problems now rather than leave the pain for our children and grandchildren.
      Montana Guy

    3. Because of our constitution and our democratic republic DC could be fixed in a single election. make no mistake, there is no other way. Once this great country and our constitution is broken it will not be put back together again. What we have here is virtually unique in 6000 years of history and it is very unlikely to happen again. The free countries around the world exist ONLY because we exist. We must fix it but we must fix it within the law. Any other option is suicide.

  12. Enola, I am truly not surprised. I am horrified, of course, but not surprised.

    What will we do? My husband and I will continue to fortify our preps a few things as we can (keeping "under the radar" for our "economic station"), keep to ourselves as much as we can (my husband is a minister and thus counsels folks), keep our mouths shut as much as we can (although we are members of an alternative spiritual belief system and thus are "suspect"), do all we can for ourselves (my garden will be expanded, more home canned food storage, etc)....

    I don't believe in totally withdrawing from the political system, therefore I will vote this fall, but in truth, I do not see a new leader taking office. I truly believe some "emergency" will emerge that will necessitate the current leader remaining in office, thereby putting into motion all those Executive Orders just waiting. You can call me a "conspiracy theorist" if you wish. I think something is going to come up. Just a feeling, now, mind you.

    I hope to be able to access blogs like yours on and on, but if not, I'll know why.

    Meanwhile I'm doing what I can here in my little corner of my town.

    Kathleen in IL

  13. I do agree about the direction we are headed. Read this simple article and see how even a Park Ranger sees the average person as a subject of the State.

    1. woman ranger I believe.

      *See my post with yours under NotCal Gal

    2. Ah, it's clear now. You hate women.

    3. Hate women? Hardly. However the point can be made that liberals used to say that men were the cause of violence and if women were in charge it would be a kinder world. God is the only answer. It's hard to even respond to someone who doesn't have the courage to identify themselves......

    4. Some of the worst bosses are women. They can be mean and petty and gossipers. I say this as a woman. I had good women bosses, but know of many who were horrible.
      By the, we are told to "not fear the one who can harm the body, fear the one who can destroy the soul."


  14. "And now, the fruit of our rebellion is ripening."

    ..and how bitter it will be.


    Stop the hand wringing! Your own local elected sheriff has more political power than the President. Is YOUR sheriff following the Constitution? Then elect one that does.

    Take action! Quit whining! Liberty is NOT free!


  16. Anonymous under Matt: It's so easy and simplistic to blame President Obama. I understand wanting to blame someone, but ALL presidents are either willing or unwilling pawns in this game of global domination. The ones who weren't, like Lincoln and Kennedy, are not allowed to live. We cannot depend on "leaders." WE must be the ones, each of us, to be leaders and cry to the world "we will not submit."

  17. Our freedoms are God given. The Constitution does not protect your God given rights. It acts to slow the hand of tyrants, but like all well meaning words it could only do for us what we were willing to do for ourselves. Only YOU can surrender your freedom of speech. Only YOU can surrender your right to bear arms.
    Living under an unconstitutional law ratifies it. When you obey it you have submitted yourself to the will of evil men.
    If a gang banger arrived at your door and ordered you to shut your mouth or surrender your weapons would you obey? Then why obey the government?
    Speak loudly and proudly. Live where you can acquire the means to fight. It would only take a few more WACOs or Ruby Ridges before the sleeping giant would awaken. Every day spent in silence only sees the net close tighter.

    1. Amen Ausprepper. Americans dealt with tyranny before.
      "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." – Samuel Adams Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776.
      Montana Guy

  18. Arm yourself. Have you bugout bag ready. Join a militia or form one (even if it's membership is just you). Learn to barter. Pay as few taxes as you can. Wear down the tyrants with your words and actions but do not confront them. When the time for direct action has come you will feel it not in your heart but in your bones.
    Now is the moment to prepare. Their game is to convince you they are getting stronger but the opposite is true. They are getting weaker. They have overextended their reach. Their grip is slipping.
    Timing and preperation are everything. Don't waste your potential.
