"A Prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it". Proverbs 22:3
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Revolution or Reformation?
What an interesting study those two words are! The word revolution conjures different connotations, depending on the intended reference. One thing springs to mind when talking about the "Revolutionary War" and another entirely when listening to the Beatles "Revolution". Considering the great chasm separating the ideology of the Revolutionary war and the political climate surrounding the writing of "Revolution", one has to assume that one of those events ought not to have been labeled revolution.
Obviously, the '60's were fraught with revolution, the consequences of which effect us today. Revolution, by definition, is an attempt to overthrow established government or social structure. Generally, revolution is achieved through massive bloodshed. While loudly proclaiming equality for the people, revolution saturates the ground with the blood of its sons and daughters. Answering the call of "a common purse", revolutionaries seek to lift society up by tearing it down.
Reformation, on the other hand, is the purging of corruption, whether in government, society or one's self. Reformers seek, not to destroy society, but to improve upon it based on the wisdom of their fathers. They seek to return to the knowledge and understanding of the great men who built this country with a foundation of truth. Rather than destroying all that has made our country thrive, they seek to return to the principles upon which it was founded.
Reformation begins in the hearts of men. It does not begin in the city square, with a wild-eyed radical calling for violence against "evil corporation" or in the classroom with a teacher leading children in a song about the "99%". Reformation begins when one man sees the wisdom in his fathers words and acts according to the truth. Reformation begins when one family chooses NOT to accept government help. Reformation begins when one person takes responsibility for their actions - even if it costs them everything.
Revolution is a great beast that requires - no demands, a blood sacrifice. It thrives on the flesh of the ones it claims to free. Presenting itself as the great equalizer, revolution only serves to bind the ignorant and enslave the masses.
In retrospect, perhaps the Revolutionary War would have been more accurately described as the "Reformationary War". The great men who laid the foundations of this country were merely following the examples of their fathers, and their fathers fathers. The path of liberty had been paved by the authors of the Magna Carta, and before that, the Gospels of Christ. Instead of being revolutionaries bent on overthrowing government, our founding fathers chose to purge the corrupt government of the British Empire and embrace the liberty of their fathers by establishing a government based on the preservation of the freedoms and responsibilities of the individual man.
As easy as it can be to champion revolution when we are face-to-face with evil, we must instead be workers of reformation. Reform you heart. Reform you family. And then reform your nation.
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Good Post, you point out the fact that it all starts with the individual; but may I point out that we also need to educate people as to the liberties we have lost and work to get those liberties restored so that there are the rewards available to those who are reforming themselves.
ReplyDeleteRight now we are living in an "Atlas Shrugged" era where those who are responsible are carrying those who refuse to be responsible.
And it is sanctioned by the ruling powers.
NDAA has shown us who will not honor the Constitution, and it is my hope that all who voted for NDAA are impeached.
Good men have done very little politically for many years, and evil is prevailing. Good men need to come forward on every front to restore what we have lost.
Thanks for your thought provoking posts, Enola.
Americans who answer one side of that question now risk indefinite incarceration offshore without legal recourse and soon loss of citizenship. I believe that answers the question. Montana Guy
ReplyDeleteWell said, as are the comments above.
ReplyDeleteI think you said it best in your final lines: "As easy as it can be to champion revolution when we are face-to-face with evil, we must instead be workers of reformation. Reform your heart. Reform your family. And then reform your nation."
So very true!
The is a difference between the two words to be sure. But, don't be fooled, there is a group of Revolutionaries that understand this too. So they try to appear the reformers. There is another concept to be considered: constructive destruction and destructive destruction. I know it appears simple that destruction is bad, but consider the idea of the car, it lead to the destruction of the great horse society of the past. Without getting into the pros and cons of the automobile it is simple to see that there was a constructive destruction there. The American Revolution was the same, it replaced a time honored idea that all power to rule rested in the King. Our form of government saw the Divine concept of self-determination come to fruition. Radical too. That whole experiment could have ended like the French Revolution, except for the fact that our Architects were Godly men. The French elevated Reason to the Status of a Goddess. Reasonable men may differ and do. Godly men know what the Word commands. Let us also follow the word, for without the Word of God all our efforts are vain.
ReplyDeleteEnola Gay, you are so right. Reform begins with each of us, we can't expect our government to be any better than we are as individuals. The real change begins at home.
ReplyDeleteNoCal Gal
"There is a difference between the two words to be sure. But, don't be fooled, there is a group of Revolutionaries that understand this too. So they try to appeal to the reformers. There is another concept to be considered: constructive destruction and destructive destruction. I know it appears simple that destruction is bad, but consider the idea of the car, it lead to the destruction of the great horse society of the past. Without getting into the pros and cons of the automobile it is simple to see that there was a constructive destruction there. The American Revolution was the same, it replaced a time honored idea that all power to rule rested in the King. Our form of government saw the Divine concept of self-determination come to fruition. Radical too. That whole experiment could have ended like the French Revolution, except for the fact that our Architects were Godly men. The French elevated Reason to the Status of a Goddess. Reasonable men may differ and do. Godly men know what the Word commands. Let us also follow the Word, for without the Word of God all our efforts are vain."
ReplyDelete"Please accept my apologies for writing without my glasses!" Jon
One way to reform things is to take MORE RESPONSIBILITY for our voting habits. Not just merely voting for "D" or "R" or "I".
ReplyDeleteDoes it pay to vote anymore? Who really knows? Only a just God who gives us what we cry out for. Many cried out for "change", a "Messiah". They did not do their due diligence in seeking out WHAT KIND OF CHANGE this king was promoting. Nor did they check his past history and Senate voting track record. We got what we deserve!
I certainly hope people look closely at the candidates. I just saw on drudgereport.com today (1/18) that Newt's EX-wife is unloading her stories on ABC TV, saying Newt is not fit to be president. As I see it, a man who cannot keep his covenant marriage vows with his discrete daliances will certaioly not keep his promises to uphold our Constitution or any other covenant or oath.
Will anyone really look closely at who they are voting for to sweep these long-time, old-line, corrupt, evil politicians, once and for all, out of office? Or will it be more of the same "good 'ol boys" and other anti-
American, back slapping, back scratcning individuals that have no concern for anything other than feathering their own nest!!! They all act like bickering, quibbling, whiny 2 year olds who, when they do not get their way, take their balls and go home instead of doing the job the taxpayers are paying them handsomely for doing!!!!!!
Please, if voting even matters anymore - do your due diligence on ALL of the candidates. Pray for God to give you wisdom and insight to vote for righteous, good men and women who really love America, want to do what is good and right for the America and the American people.
Vote for people who honor and stand UP for uphold our Constitution and all it stands for. Look at their track recorn and above all LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAY above the noise, the screams and shouts!!! Don't let the media elect any politician - Let's use our God-given intellect and brains to think for ourselves for once!!!!
The truth is men can and do change, consider Saul to Paul. Who is Newt now? I don’t really care who his ex-wife says he was. From what I have heard he is different from Obama only in the direction he wants to take BIG government.
ReplyDeleteThought provoking concept, to say the very least here.
However, Our forefathers did revolt first from the throws of a tyrannical government.
Then, and only then, came reformation and proclamations of such.
We would not even be having this discussion without the wisdom, courage and personal sacrifice by Thomas Jefferson and our God-fearing Founding Fathers. Jefferson understood the dangers inherent in government. Government rules by force. It was Jefferson who wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Diane R
ReplyDeleteI would say that the Revolutionary War was, in fact, an overthrowing of the established system and social structure of the time. Back then in late 18th century Western society, countries were governed by Kings who ruled "by divine right." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings) Society was very class based with royalty and those of hereditary title at the top. America was the concept that men could rule themselves without a King or hereditary title passing power within a small oligarchy. Most of the things that are so apparent to us now were completely revolutionary in the 17th and 18th centuries, and at the expense of a great many lives.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Jefferson did say that. He believed that the only way to keep government in check was for there to be an uprising, a violent one, now and again. There were two not long after the revolutionary war (Shay's Rebellion, Whiskey Rebellion) That were put down by George Washington himself. Not since the last one (the so called Civil War) has there ever been a violent uprising. Our nation, our people, have become stagnant, soft. I once heard someone say that there are three kinds of people: Sheep, shepherds, and wolves. Currently there are way to many sheep and wolves, and not enough shepherds.
ReplyDeleteThere was a violent uprising after the Civil War - it was the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. It was at times very bloody, and it changed the country forever (sad to say).
Delete@Anonymous: Jefferson did say that. He believed that the only way to keep government in check was for there to be an uprising, a violent one, now and again. There were two not long after the revolutionary war (Shay's Rebellion, Whiskey Rebellion) That were put down by George Washington himself. Not since the last one (the so called Civil War) has there ever been a violent uprising. Our nation, our people, have become stagnant, soft. I once heard someone say that there are three kinds of people: Sheep, shepherds, and wolves. Currently there are way to many sheep and wolves, and not enough shepherds.
ReplyDeleteI suppose as a Brit I have a slightly different take on the revolution. I agree with Jon Handrock and John Athayde that the prime reason was disagreeing with the 'divine right' of royalty, but some of the other reasons were tenuous at best. 'Taxation without representation' as an example, Americans had as much representation as most ordinary British subjects at the time (ie. not much) and paid considerably less tax than most (a similar situation exists currently with the debacle of Scottish independence from the union), in fact most of the tax was to pay a significantly subsidised portion of the cost of protecting America from the French .
ReplyDeleteDo I agree that self-determination and self-rule were good things? Of course, as did a surprisingly large number of military, political and ordinary British at the time (and some not insignificant support, overt or otherwise, did occur). The fact remains the 'revolutionaries' did the almost unbelievable and took the best from the society they had hitherto belonged to and only got rid of the worst (the usual in most revolutions seems to be the opposite). Most importantly they had the self-awareness and simple honesty to enshrine protections for the common man in a way difficult to alter (we have both a Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta both of which have been sidelined and ignored for centuries, your Bill of rights and Constitution are fundamental to your governance, yet they still encroach on it endlessly don't they?). So from that perspective I suppose it could be said to be reformation too.
I agree that reformation of the current government, it's functionaries and society at large is the best option, however, I fear that it has reached a point that this is almost impossible. The alternative as Diane R quoted:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
@ Able, well said and well reasoned. I also fear that your final conclusion may be true too. I also think that we are all shepards, most have just forgotten, or gotten lazy. If we are waiting for "someone else" to save us we are waiting in vain. Salvation, eternal and otherwise is our own responsiblity, and no one elses.
ReplyDeleteWhen the men of America one day take their rightful place as honorable fathers to their children and Godly husbands to their wives...and be the Spiritual leaders - with their family under their wings - not under their thumbs - only then will we have true reformation in America. Not before.
ReplyDeleteAmerica has bought into the satan-led feminist lie, media lies, government lies and even church lies led by false teachers/pastors with big egos leading their churches with "feel-good theology, mammon-oriented, teaching the "tradition and doctrines of men" rather that the TRUTH of the one true God.
We have bought into the lies of TV idols - whether dancing, or stripping - sports heroes addicted to drugs, steroids, and have no clue about what is good mental and spiritual "health" of our children and wives. Wives are not innocent either!
The men of America, with the help of godless feminist women, have abdicated their role as excellent husbands, exemplary fathers and honorable leaders.
We will never have true reformation and honest leadership in this country until the men of this country take their rightful place and start leading their homes and families by fearing - reverence and respect - the God that created them as the honorable men they need to be. And the women who profess to be God-fearing turn to their Holy Scriptures, learn to keep silent and stop nagging and criticizing, and study the Proverbs 31 woman! Only then will honorable people raise up - with God's direction - a God-led reformation to turn this nation, once again, to be "under God"..