Thursday, June 12, 2014

An Open Letter to Uncle Sam

Esteemed Uncle;

I drove to town today.  It was hot - about 85 degrees. The summer sun had warmed my dark colored vehicle to a point that I could not comfortably hold on to the steering wheel.  Although the windows were rolled down, rivulets of perspiration ran down my back and my face glistened with sweat.  As I drove, I lamented the circumstances that had brought me to the beginning of summer with no working air conditioning in my aging vehicle.

The reduction in my circumstances had begun, innocently enough, in the early months of last year.  As I was going through my extensive recipe collection, I happened upon an idea.  I would write a cookbook!  Once the idea took hold - I couldn't shake it.  Every morning, I would get up before my husband and children.  I would scour my recipes, choosing which ones to include in my book and which one to leave out.  I researched recipes, tested them and then tested them again.  Soon, I was spending every spare moment typing recipes, writing stories and collating kitchen facts.  Writing a cookbook was a mixed blessing for my family.  They loved all of the wonderful food flowing freely from my kitchen but also suffered with many dinners of breakfast cereal and toast, just so that I could finish one last chapter.  I spent hours at my computer, typing, typing, typing.  Just when I thought the hard part was finished, it came time to edit.  A red pen became my friend as I edited, rewrote and edited again.  Finally, I was ready to submit the manuscript to the printer (which in and of itself is no easy task!).  A couple of proofs later (the book had to edited again), it was finalized and published!  Yay!  The work of almost two years wrapped in a beautiful cover, with my name at the bottom!  I cannot tell you how proud I was.  Imagine, however, my stunned surprise, when I completed my tax preparation, only to find out that you required 50% of my royalties!  Half!  Uncle - where were you when I was getting up at 4 O'clock in the morning so that I could write, taking care that my book writing didn't interfere with my household duties?  Where were you when I had to run back and forth to a computer center to download my manuscript and make all of the changes?  Where were you when my eyes were blurry with reading and I wanted nothing more than to put my manuscript in a drawer and forget about it?  Can you please explain how you earned half of my book income? 

I do have to admit, there may have been other contributing factors to our particularly egregious tax bill. You see, my husband works.  Every week-day morning, Sir Knight is out of bed by 6 O'clock.  After a cup of tea, he drives to town (an hour away), fixes ailing forklifts and returns home just in time for dinner.  He does this when it is 100 degrees outside and when it is -20.  He works when he is sick, when he is sore and when he would really rather be somewhere else.  Because of this abhorrent behavior, you required yet another influx of our household economy.  Could you explain to me, Uncle Dear, how you sleep at night?  While we scrimp, budget and save, you slide your hand in our wallet and relieve us of the burden of financial incentive.

I would be remiss if I failed to mention our home-centered, family-run start-up business.  I spent years making and testing product, improving my design and refining my method.  Finally, after making a considerable investment on equipment and supplies, I sent out my first order.  The whole family was involved.  Sir Knight bought the equipment and helped re-arrange the "shouse" to make room for it.  Maid Elizabeth and Miss Serenity cut fabric and sewed.  Master Hand Grenade became the official snap machine operator and the two little children cleaned up scraps.  Day after day we sewed and snapped.  As orders stacked up we worked harder.  The business grew and became successful.  We had worked together and built the American dream.  And then you came calling.  Every year, on April 15th you knocked on my door.  You surveyed my business, my home, questioning every member of my family.  Finally, convinced that you had adequately inventoried every income stream, you shook my hand and provided me with a bill for your services.  The business that my family built and grew became a funding source for your irresponsible and extravagant lifestyle.  Last year we decided that our business had outgrown our family and we made the difficult decision to sell.  You seemed especially angry that we sold and punished us severely.  Uncle, I thought you were supposed to encourage us, to guard our freedoms so that we could pursue useful and fruitful lives!  Instead you stalk us, telling us what we can and can't do - telling us how to live our lives, all while funding your grand social experiments by the sweat of our brow.  You, dear Uncle, are a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Of course, this situation isn't entirely your fault.  We knew that you weren't completely trustworthy so we asked a few of our family members to discreetly keep an eye on you.  They didn't.  At first they were vigilant, taking you to task anytime you overstepped your boundaries. Soon, however, they began to overlook certain indiscretions, lining their pockets while stripping ours.   Uncle Sam, you have betrayed your family.  You have soiled our reputation and ruined our family name.  You, dear sir, are no uncle of mine.

Uncle Sam, you are the reason I was driving to town, in the blazing heat, in a truck with no air conditioning.  Because you are insolvent, refuse to act in a responsible manner or even exercise a smidgen of self-control, my family (along with many others) will suffer and go without.  We will "Use it up, Make it do, Wear it out, or Do without" because we have to - because that's what responsible adults do.  

Uncle Sam, you are a disgrace to the family name.  I am ashamed to know you.

Very  Sincerely,

Enola Gay

Note:  My wonderful readers, Sir Knight and I are fine - good - excellent!  I don't want to worry anybody.  I'm just venting!!!


  1. It is shameful what is happening while people just look away. This letter was wonderful.

  2. If only they would listen. So true. We are a mere shadow of the country we used to be. Sort of on life support but we know the outcome. Very sad. I am guilty of working too many hours and not keeping my eye on the "fox" and now...well, you know.

  3. Woodrow Wilson was the most evil President that this country has ever known. Without him, the current one couldn't do 50% of what he is getting by with. Wilson and his Band of Thieves came up with the progressive INCOME tax. Not a usage tax, not a fee for services rendered, not a highway tax: a PROGRESSIVE INCOME TAX. The more you make, the more they take; the harder that you work, the harder they work to steal from you. A national sales tax needs to be instituted and the IRS needs to be closed and buried. A national sales tax is paid by everyone-hookers, pimps, foreign ambassadors, government employees, etc. Imagine-a tax that is actually fair! You, as a person or a family, can determine your own tax bill. You-controlling your own destiny. I do understand your anger Enola!

    1. I'm with you. Wilson's first year in office saw the establishment of the Federal Reserve (which I hope all americans know by now is NOT federal at all). His presidency was the beginning of progressives getting a foot hold in the White House. The American people at that time didn't want Woodrow Wilson for a second term but he tricked them, behind the scenes Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt made a plan for Teddy to run against Wilson and Charles Evan Hughes (who was ahead by a large margin) in order to split the vote. Wilson won by a very slim margin because of the split vote between Ted Roosevelt and Charles Hughes. Which was the intention. Both Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt were liers and trickters. Anyway I just want to say, I agree with your comment. All ya'll that have been educated by the public school system you need to do some history study on your own so you can know the truth about many of our leaders of the past so you can understand more clearly how we got here. And how so many of our leaders have been deceiving the American people for a very long time. We all need to wake up the the ugly truth and not allow ourselves to be deceived anymore. We need to be more descerning and understand how our goverment works and the sinister elements working behind the scenes. Whatever damage has been done to our country can be undone, we just need the will and backbone to do it. America and Americans are great with an extraordinary foundation. We don't have to put up with evil elements trying to take us down and make us a third world country. The God we serve is mighty, He is just waiting for us to cooperate with Him and take a stand for righteousness. We are not the home of the cowards and the land of slaves!!

  4. Well said, good madam. Well said.

  5. I too understand your anger.
    Every time I hear of the extravagance in DC, I think of my income (I am retired) and how much money I had to come up with last April. So I have scrimped, saved, and done what I had to do in order to pay them off. I withheld the requisite amount of money; however, I was slammed with a bill from my working income that only earns me $150 per month. They questioned my expenses. So I questioned theirs and they didn't like it.
    Close the IRS! Institute a fair tax. But then, who will oversee Obama Care?

    1. I didn't think the government taxed those that earned under $16K a year? You made $12, is that possible?

    2. Where did you get the idea I earned $16,000 a year?

    3. You are retired, so I assumed no full time job which equals no salary. Then I took $150 and multiplied it by 12. Of course I didn't add in social security so perhaps that makes a difference. Where did I go wrong?

    4. Anonymous, they tax any income above $9,600.

    5. Betsey - you need to consult an accountant. If you are on Social Security and have earned income of only $150/mo. you do not owe a penny in taxes.

  6. Wow, your letter sure struck a nerve for me. I retired early to start two very small part-time businesses. Both were labors of love. It was so exciting to create a business for scratch and be my own boss. I didn't even need to hire any employees. It was truly a taste of the American Dream. The excitement lasted less than 5 years. Sadly, the burdens of excessive government regulations, unfair taxation and out-of-control legal bullies force me to close both businesses. That's personal.

    Our Pastor recently preached that there can be 'righteous anger'. That said, I am now much more concerned with preserving liberty than preserving a government.
    Montana Guy

    1. If our government falls and we become a society of anarchy I don't think anyone will be starting a small business. Except maybe for bartering purposes. Liberty will be the last thing on folks mind...surviving will be the first.

      It might seem like a good idea to want it all to fall apart but I'm not sure what will emerge from the ashes especially when headed by those that have more money than you can imagine and no conscience.

      Good luck with the idea that all will be fine in Idaho. If the drones don't get you then the millions of rounds of ammo will.

    2. Ah, how quickly Americans forget their history. How did we win our liberty? In 1775 King George ruled with an iron fist. Our Founders, albeit a small minority, recognized tyranny and refused to bow. Simple God-fearing American farmers stood up against the most powerful military of the world. And how did that work out?

      In 2014 Americans worked until April 21 (3 days later than last year) just to pay their taxes. Working Americans are already slaves, yet sadly most don’t even realize it. How many months will you work to pay taxes before you revolt? Please, give me a number.

      Samuel Adams said it best in the Philadelphia State House on August 1, 1776, "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
      Montana Guy

    3. Oh my goodness, how tired I get hearing about the American Revolution! Yes I know my history. I also realize that England's government was an ocean away and had to sail for months to get to us...we don't live in that world anymore!

      Why do so many preppers look at themselves as the Continental Army? The American people that are preparing (less than 10% of society) will not be able to withstand an advanced army with nuclear weapons, armored vehicles and drones. Sorry but this enemy won't be bringing black powder.

      Get your head out of your behind and be realistic. You and I are NOT yeomen farmers who will be fighting armies in bright red coats in perfect formations. How do you not get this?

      What's happening today is not uncommon. Most nations go through a 250 yr cycle and maybe the America from yesteryear is passing on. Here is an article to help you understand:

    4. So you think we should cower in fear of our government? Do you mean the one equipped with a $630 billion military which is getting its butt handed to them by an enemy equipped with donkeys and Toyota pickup trucks.

      I'm curious. Why are you even on 'prepper sites' when you have such disdain for us? Perhaps you have the courage to share with us misguided preppers exactly what you are doing to provide for and protect your love ones. Or are they waiting for the first FEMA bus?
      Montana Guy

    5. Of course...the FEMA camps. Of course you never seemed to address the fact that our nation is not the same as it was in the latter part of the 1700's. So if I don't agree with you 100% then I must not be a prepper. Wow you paint people with broad strokes don't you?

      Actually our poor military are under equipped over there, sad but true. We know folks that actually buy their sons body armor and other things and send it to them because our illustrious president can't seem to get it together.

      But of course the gov't doesn't have to use drones or armored vehicles....oh no, a lot of has changed since Ruby Ridge and Waco. Now they arrest you, claim you are a domestic terrorist and jail you indefinitely without trial (thank you Patriot Act).

      Of course you sir don't have the money to fight the Dept. of Justice and after they have frozen your bank accounts and you've mortgaged everything down to your underwear to pay legal fees, you'll still be sitting in jail.

      That's how it works now. And what can you do about it? What can I or Enola or anyone else do about? Do you think we have the money to help you? Do you think we are going to start an armed rebellion to break you out of....where are you again?...who the hell knows because the gov't doesn't tell us....yeah see how this plays out.

      No I don't cower in fear of our government but I also don't think it's wise to wave red blankets in front of a godless, power hungry and heavily armed bull either. I think there is a balance. Now that balance may look different to many people but accepting that we are not in 1775 anymore is a start.

      I never said preppers are misguided (your setting up a straw man argument) instead I think they are doing the only sane thing they can do. Looking after their families and preparing to not starve to death when inflation hits. But that isn't changing the gov't, it's a lifestyle choice. Voting for Ron Paul didn't stop Obama. See what I'm saying?

      Let me end by asking you this: What you are doing to change this gov't? Blogging, commenting on blogs, writing your elected officials? Is that it? Is it helping?

      NO, of course it isn't because you are one guy and there are over 150 million (probably more) folks who think Obama is great and this rampant consumerism will last forever.

      Sick I know but all we can do is take care of ourselves and our loved ones and keep our head down and hope to hell the golden horde passes us by and try to survive then when everything goes to hell in a hand basket we can emerge to form the conservative gov't system that our forefathers envisioned. Please tell me where I'm wrong.

    6. I’m not sure I can help you further. Without points of reference, people tend to believe that their generation is facing unprecedented worldly power and challenges. Fortunately history records vital lessons of man for future generations.

      Perhaps you can ponder the following. Stories of defiance to civil government (in one form or another) comprise a large percentage (perhaps even a majority!) of all the stories contained in the Bible. It must be pretty important to Him.
      Montana Guy

    7. @Montana Guy....I don't need your help. I don't believe that my generation is facing "unprecedented worldly power and challenges", where did you get that impression?

      I think our country is going through a cycle like other great nations (Rome is coming to mind) and we as thinking citizens must prep to ride out the trouble that will pass.

      As of now my life has been pretty good. I haven't faced a Great Depression, World Wars, or a Dust Bowl or any other negative experience my parents, grandparents etc. went through. But I'm not stupid, I see the writing on the wall and I'm preparing the best I can with the resources and in the area God has put me. That's all I can do.

      I do agree with you though on your comment below about this NOT being the rapture time....I don't get why people go there.

  7. Everything you wrote is true and has been since the income tax was created on Jekyll Island a hundred years ago. But you a forgetting's not your money.

    It's God's. He provided you with money to live on and expects you to render unto Ceasar what is his and be mature about spending the rest, not forgetting widows and orphans. He never promised us wealth.

    My husband makes $52K on paper but after health insurance ($5K a year) and taxing us he really brings home $36K. That's life and when you work for yourself they tax you more. Whenever I think about our situation I remember that my life is a vapor and so is this monetary system.

    As for small businesses I think the scripture about counting the cost of building should be applied. ALWAYS check about taxes!!! Or you will get bit in the butt.

    I must admit that I did smile a bit at you describing 85 degrees as "blazing hot". I live in TX where 85 is considered a pleasant day. Take care and hope things improve for ya'll.

    1. You said "That's life and when you work for yourself they tax you more." What! You accept this? The robbing of our citizens is wrong!!! We need stand up and say it is wrong. This country is down the tubes because of us passive christians. Shame on us. God faults us for the demise of our nation. He says "if my people would humble themselves..." not if the heathen will humble themselves. What does humble mean? when the Bible uses the word humble it is talking about submitting oneself to the word of God, obeying His commandments. One of the things many of us christians are not doing is standing up to injustice. We are to occupy until our Lord Jesus comes back. What does that mean to occupy? Like, when one country occupies another. We are to take over the kingdom of darkness not be submitted to it. Why do you think God gave us power, authority through Christ Jesus? So we could walk around and be slaves to the evil around us? God forbid. When we christians do not stand up for righteousness many innocent people suffer. Open your eyes and see the suffering going on in your own country and around the world. Why? Because America, the beacon of light has been lulled into complacency. My goodness I read in the news today how a pagan is speaking out about the persecution of christians around the world. I thought "Is that what it has come to Lord, you couldn't find any of your famous rich preachers to speak out again this so you had to use a non-believer?" Shame on the christian community for not speaking out on such evils that God has to use non-believers to do the work we should be doing.

      Who's fault is it? The government? NO. It is us. We created this mess because of our neglect, now lets clean it up. The rapture has not happened yet, that means God's people are still here with power and authority and we have work to do! What our parents were not able to accomplish for this country, we will. I blame myself as much as anyone else but I repent am no longer being quiet and passive. I'm speaking out and I'm gonna get involved in the political process. I do not want to admit to my grandchildren that I didn't nothing to beat back tyranny and that my none action would cause many to suffer. By the way let us celebrate the victory of David Brat over Cantor for House Minority Leader true David and Goliath situation. David Brat has other victories to win, let us pray for his final victory. There are christians out there fighting the good fight against all the odds, lets join them and not enter Heaven with only works of wood, hay and stubble. Maranatha!

    2. Whoa...slow down there. I think we have very different views of theology.

      Let's start with your first paragraph:

      - who said I'm a passive Christian. I just stated what the current situation is. That doesn't mean I agree with what our gov't is doing but all I can do is speak out and vote. I understand that I don't have the influence to change a lot.

      - This country is NOT down the tubes because of passive Christians, this country is being disciplined by God because we have rejected Him and are choosing to walk in wickedness. Perhaps America's fall is part of God's plan but that doesn't mean He will forsake those that are truly His and are walking in faith.

      - Just because Christians humble themselves does not mean God will save America. That scripture is referencing the nation of Israel...which we are NOT!

      - We are to "occupy" until the Lord returns? Really? Where is that? We are actually aliens in this world and our home is in heaven. Life is quick like a vapor and no where in scripture does God command us to become political in order to save our country so we can continue to live in middle class comfort.

      - Standing up for righteousness doesn't equate to fighting the gov't. It means choosing to walk according to God's Word and supporting those who do.

      Now let's look at your second paragraph:

      - No we didn't create this mess. This mess is called sin and we live in a fallen world. Historically speaking Christians have lived in relative peace and prosperity for the last 400 years or so in the Western world compared to those brothers and sisters in other parts of the world and in the first centuries. Check your history.

      - I'm not called to reclaim our gov't as a theocracy for my grandchildren. I'm called to raise my children in the admonition of the Lord and cry out to God for their salvation and pray for their spouses and children. My grandchildrens salvation and life is in God's hands and He will save who He wills. I put my trust in God.

      - Please don't reduce the wonderful story of David and Goliath into some political fairytale. That story is about God and His faithfullness not a cliche underdog tale.

      - God will not hold me guilty because my gov't becomes corrupt. He commands me to love Him with all my heart and soul and love my neighbor as myself. The greatest commandments.

      I get the feeling you lean differently in theology. I'm a Calvinist and I put my trust in the mercy and graciousness of God and I try to do what God commands from scripture not become a political savior to my nation.

    3. Re: “This country is NOT down the tubes because of passive Christians”. Are you serious?

      Last Sunday for example, how many Pastors do you think preached against our government’s constant wars and murdering of innocent people, America’s Holocaust of 55 million abortions, and stealing and redistribution of people’s wealth? How many Pastors named names of politicians/judges who support such tyranny and evil? Ah, but American Christians have bought into this government-contrived notion of ‘separation of church and state’. American Pastors sold their souls when they agreed to political silence in return for IRS 501c3 tax indulgences. Shame on them.

      Contrast today with Early America. It was none other than a Christian Pastor, Jonas Clark who led American Patriots at the Battle Lexington on April 19, 1775, and the fateful ‘shot heard round the world’. Pastor Clark ""discussed from the pulpit the great questions at issue, and that powerful voice thundered forth the principles of personal, civil, and religious liberty, and the right of resistance, in tones as earnest and effective as it had the doctrines of salvation by the cross."" (J. T. Headley, Heroes of Liberty: Chaplains and Clergy of the American Revolution, 21.)

      Today, the Battle of Lexington is little spoken of, for as a nation we have forgotten our history. America is perishing for the need of preachers who apply God's holy Word to every area of life including personal, civil, and religious liberty. The Church needs more pastors like Jonas Clark, a preacher who taught the great doctrines of salvation in Christ alone and the Biblical right to resistance. If your Pastor is failing to take a public stand, why are you supporting him?

      Best $9 gift for any child or Sunday school class: ‘The Battle of Lexington: A Sermon and Eyewitness Narrative’ by Pastor Jonas Clark. Available on Amazon.
      Montana Guy

    4. the best $9 gift isn't Pastor Clark's sermon but a decent Bible and a godly father to mentor them. Which unfortunately is sorely missing.

      As for my pastor, well we have listed on a white board at the front of church the names of local leaders, state leaders and national leaders who we should pray for and vote for. A member of our church is a state representative and as a JP he once sentenced a man to attend church instead of paying a fine.

      Yeah East TX is kinda conservative. Not sure where you live but those things happen all the time in conservative Bible believing churches.

      Again you are fixated on colonial times. We are not that nation anymore.

      Back then we didn't have mormons, black liberation theology, queer churches, wiccan churches and a host of other so called "christian" churches that are out there today.

      What we had was mainly conservative white Calvinistic protestants who burned people at the stake if they dabbled in demonic practices (there is some historical debate if these were really "witches") and put people in jail for skipping Sunday services and other offenses that would seem crazy today.

      You cannot compare that time to now. That's ludicrous! Don't get me wrong, I agree with you about pastors speaking out but hey there are thousands of "pastors" out there who don't even teach orthodox Christianity much less civil disobedience. Need I mention the smiling idiot in Houston named Olsteen...I shudder as I type his name.

      I think what you are seeing is the radical change of America's culture and it's not due to nominal Christians but a shift in immigration policies, feminism and communistic/progressive thought.

      I live in Texas and I see first hand what illegal aliens are doing to this state. I grew up with a feminist mom who taught me to hate men and get a career and now thinks I'm nuts to stay at home. I went to college and saw the radical teaching take over young impressionable students. That is the problem not Christians.

      What we need is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only Christ can change men's hearts not libertarianism, homeschooling or reading the works of our forefathers. So I put my trust in God not the gov't, conservative ideas or patriot minded folks.

    5. @Anon June 13, 2014 at 4:47 PM: AMEN!!!!

    6. This country rejected GOD in it constitution and will pay for it. Vanity, vanity...

  8. You nailed it!!! I was in Wal Mart the other day and a perfectly healthy female was paying for her junk food with her EBT card. That was my money that I worked hard for that she was spending. It was stolen from me at the point of a gun by my government. What a waste.

    1. While junk food is a stupid waste of resources, don't assume that someone who uses EBT is choosing not to work. Millions of us would love to have a job, but it's not working out. I'm 'perfectly healthy,' but so is everyone else I compete with for the available jobs in my area. I'd save my rage at government waste, fraud and abuse for what they are doing on the border and the message they are deliberately sending to South America that unaccompanied minors can stay.

  9. So why were you going to town today?

  10. You know, I always heard the Render-Unto-Caesar bit, but isn't Caeser supposed to use what he gets in a responsible fashion, or is it just free money? Aren't there limits for Caesar? You never hear about that. Why is the small business taxed harder than Joe Paycheck? Many-most-of the people I know are self employed,and get hit harder for taxes (Federal, anyway) than I do. The State isn't as bad, from what I'm told. The State doesn't tack on a lot of idiotic rules/regulations/fees/licenses for the most part. Obamacare has smacked them upside the head pretty hard, financially-the only "affordable" part is the fine, which is cheaper (for a few years) than the insurance is.
    Years ago, a student at the college I worked for took every possible deduction he could for one year-with all the receipts and so on to back it up. A six and a half pound tax return! Perfectly legal, but not preactical to do on a regualr basis-this was just a year-long experiment.
    Kinda related-a coworker's "new inlaw" is a field auditor ( the one that comes out to your business and roots around in all your stuff) for the IRS, and points out one unintended consequence of the Internet-many small businesses are less intimidated by an audit, and far more likely to cuss the auditor out (getting very graphic and personal)-goes with the territory I guess.
    Eighty-five degrees here(Kentucky) is late Spring-and add humidity as well. I had it in mind a hot day in Idaho was like 65 degrees or something...

    1. I understand what you are saying about Caesar but let's think about this. Did Caesar really act "responsible" in Christ's time? A pagan government and society? Of course not, all governments that grow to large get out of hand and they did in Christ's time as well.

      The fact is you have two choices: either live in debt and have that "American dream" of a 3/2 house in the suburbs and every middle class luxury OR live debt free and be considered technically poor.

      The fact is that a lot of people have small businesses and make it and some don't...why is that? I don't know. Perhaps those that made it were more business savvy or had a larger amount to start up with...who knows.

      My husband has an uncle who owns a feed store, western clothing store, farms over 500 acres of cotton and runs cattle and makes it.. The guy only has a high school diploma and lives in a modest ranch style home and drives trucks but works all the time. He started with a small feed store and built his businesses over 20 years. Who knows what the future will bring for him but he deals with the I know it can be done.

  11. Dear enola,
    Thanks for the money. I'm going to give it to some friends that don't work, don't want to work and will never work. They need some new rims,sneakers and more junk food cuz weighing 300+lbs isnt enough..
    Love, Uncle Sam

    1. I love how everyone assumes their taxes are going for black welfare recipients. Ha ha. Actually what this country pays in welfare benefits is a drop in the bucket compared to what we will spend on Obamacare, stupids wars and goodness knows all the other beauracracies like the EPA and Dept. of Ed.

      Do your homework. It's sad but if all we had to pay for was welfare checks we would have a balanced budget and being in the black and in an era of prosperity but we all know that ain't so.

    2. Its all wrong and theft by the feds....

    3. To Anonymous #1 What part of the original post said "black welfare recipients?" Plenty of people of other colors like rims, sneakers and junk food. It's a socioeconomic grouping, not a racial one.
      To Anonymous #2 Entitlements such as social security (the 'lock box' was robbed), food stamps (soring under this administration) and welfare were already going to bankrupt this nation before they added 'Obamacare' to the mix. Let's bring in millions of under-age illegal aliens and add them to those overburdened programs. The clock starts ticking faster toward bankruptcy. Certainly the now-weaponized alphabet agencies are no help to us at the bottom-line or anywhere else and neither is wadding back into Iraq. It is, as Anonymous #3 put it "all wrong and theft by the feds...."

  12. I'm looking forward to your cookbook publication! Hoping you'll alert your readers when it's available for purchase. :)

  13. They don't get it and they never will. New taxes, tax increases, new penalties, new restrictions and "infringements" on our constitutional rights. It's time to fire people. If your congress person is working for you then they are working against you. It doesn't really matter if they are Democrats or Republicans if they are working for special interests and the unions and their own wealth then fire them. You can disagree on social issues but wouldn't you like to still have a viable country in 20 years for your children and grandchildren? If your Republican Representative sounds more like a Democrat then a conservative then fire him even if it means voting for the Democrat. If your Democrat congressman still supports Obamacare, the IRS stopping the Tea party, weaking the military and opening our borders, then fire him even if it means voting for the Republican. I don't care if your parents were good Democrats so therefore you can't vote for a Republican. I don't care if you are a committed conservative and would rather see a bad Republican in office then a mediocre Democrat. It's time to put our differences aside and vote out the people who are screwing us. This country is in trouble. It may be too late to save it. Is it really more important that you vote a "R" or a "D"? Vote the bums out. If possible vote in a good guy but if not possible vote the bad guy out anyway.

  14. In 2014 Americans worked until April 21 (3 days later than last year) just to pay their taxes. April 21 is the 111th day of the year. Thus income as of that day represented 30% of American’s annual income. You can bet your Birkenstocks that government will expect even more next year.

    Gee, if God expects his people to tithe only 10%, why is government not even content with 30%?
    Montana Guy

  15. You Know Its just to bad we as a people cant just get together and vote both the liars and cheats out. I think we would be better of having an empty seat in both houses than having the lesser of two evils

    1. The problem is, of course, that everyone thinks that their congressperson is better than the others, so they elect them again and again.

  16. Hey if you really think that it is a disgrace to know Uncle Sam then please move to another country.
    And you are dirving a truck without air conditioning because you spent the money on M-16 that are
    worthless for what you need. and if you do not want to put your family through Rudy ridge I would
    suggest that you do not post any more pictures of you with them. Actually you are just inviting trouble
    believe it or not. No our Uncle Sam is not great and yes I do mis trust him, but this is the end times and things are going to get worse before the rapture. Are you out witnessing to people?the rapture could only be a couple of years away. What are you doing for the kingdom of God. That is what really


    1. So this IS definitely the end times? Yikes, I didn't get the email! Could you please forward it? And what do I have to go to get in on this 'rapture' thing? Sounds as lot better (and easier) than prepping for tribulation.
      Montana Guy

    2. Hey Debby, Even other countries think Uncle Sam is a disgrace. News flash: America is a disgrace at this time in history. We have nothing, nothing , nothing to be proud of right now (except for the fact we broke the car speed record which is pretty cool). Any pride we might even mention were from past generations. We are living off the accomplishments of the past. That was a low blow comment you made about the truck and M-16. You obviously are not a regular reader of this blog. Too many folks are counting on the "beam me up Scotty" moment when they should be preparing. Your beloved government is preparing to bring in the New World Order and shoot you in the street if you get out of line. It is 1930's Germany all over again. If we all have misunderstood the scriptures and timing of the rapture then you'll be knocking on Enola door asking for help. That "don't make waves" attitude is what got us in the mess in the first place, that is not the American way. So called "inviting trouble" is said by those who want to go along to get along. That is the road to serfdom. Enola doesn't have to "invite trouble". That "trouble" is already two paces away from our door step and is not going to go away because we say " "shoo fly". When those DHS armoured vehicles start rolling down your street the way they have in Kalispell, Montana and other small towns across America, then you tell us who the real trouble maker is. Are you going to live your life on your knees as a slave just because you don't want to be viewed as "inviting trouble"? Make no mistake we are all going to go through some tough times as a nations if there is not another Great Awakening. The best witness is to be prepared like Noah and Joseph, to be able to protect, feed, shelter, clothe yourself and someone else. By the way Enola does witness to others via this blog of hers she speaks on faith, family, food, politics. She has helped many people through her writings; that might be a whole lot more then what you are doing. Why don't you tell us what you are doing to advance the Kingdom of God? What are you doing to help others during this time of uncertainty? America in the condition she is in right now is a disgrace and if wonderful patriots like Enola move away, how much more intense would that disgrace be!
      Let us not be the lands of cowards, and the home of slaves. If things are bad then we should say they are bad. Much of solving a problem is to admit you have a problem! I'll say it again: America is a disgrace, get it together my fellow citizens and stop the madness.

      P.S. I have much to respond to the reply of my reply to anonymous. But, I will not. Suffice it to say I strongly disagree with you. Even your reply to me demonstrated passivity. Passion is the order of the day. Lukewarm is not going to cut it. Today is the day, now is the hour for bold colors.

    3. Hey I have nothing against M=16. All that I was saying, I think is that don't let our big
      bad government know that you have one. I don't have all the answers. But I don't think
      that you are going to out gun an armored tank even with a M-16.So do you want your family
      to die. I right now don't have all the answers,even to that one. and yes I have even got alto
      of food in the house, so I won't be knocking on any bodies door either.And I realize that our
      government is that bad. Maybe one sould write there congress man instead. And I really
      don't think that really will do any good either. But that would be as far as one goes.
      But they still have you out goun. What do you do about that??

    4. The "rapture" is UNBIBLICAL, dispensational silliness. Don't wait for it, work towards the kingdom now!!

    5. The private ownership of guns as a right affirmed in our constitution is to protect us and to protect our country. Very few people talk about trying to outgun the U.S. Army or tanks that is foolish talk and provocative for no useful reason. If you do not understand the value of owning a gun to protect your family then you are entirely free to not own one. Do not try to explain away others who choose to own guns as intending to shoot at tanks. One of the Japanese high command who survived WW II stated flatly that the reason Japan choose to not invade the U.S. was because they feared the armed citizens. Not the Army, not the police but the armed citizen. Our 2nd amendment rights protect our country as well as us individually.

  17. It's just as anon at 5:18 says. The government needs more money to support the 50 million food stamp recipients whose alcohol and drug habits must be paid for. They need even more money now that the borders are opened up and we are importing poor people with no education who must be supported for the rest of their lives. Not to mention the children of these newest citizens. So sit down, shut up and pay your taxes and the new higher taxes especially property taxes to support all the new schools needed to teach these new citizens. And of course it costs 30% more to teach these new citizens in their native language, after all you wouldn't expect them to assimilate would you? And we will need more taxes for more police to control the gangs these new citizens bring with them. Then there is that free health care ironically called the "affordable" care act (bwahahaha That's a good one). Have you noticed how that affordabe care act (just can't get past that name...) was passed just in time for all these new citizens we will give amnesty to. By the way did you know that the amnesty bills all include amnesty from all crimes not just the crime of illegal entry into the country. Do you owe back taxes? If you do the IRS will pursue you relentlessly but if you are an illegal and owe back taxes amnesty will relieve you of that debt. Did you use someone else's SS number to get freebies? If you did you will go to jail but if you are illegal amnesty will wipe that little mistake off the record. The list of crimes that amnesty will wipe away is quite long but no worries if you are an actual citizen YOU will still have to pay for your mistakes. So sit down, shut up and pay your ever increasing taxes. And we will send someone out to evaluate your property to see if maybe you own too much land and should be forced to house some illegals...

  18. Nothing new under the sun.....Governments have been thieves from the beginning hanging albatross taxes around citizens necks. Shameful that they can't just back off...More shameful that immigrants from other countries come here to work toward citizenship legally, while the south of the border clan just keep just waltzing across and get away with it...Oh, that's right, they can and they will vote....More shame on this country...
    Sorry Enola for all your hard work and then having to give most of the fruit of YOUR labor to those who didn't do anything....That is wealth distribution....remember?
    Done ranting....
    Love from NC

  19. I have a story also: so please let me tell it..My husband & I worked all our lives. He as a mechanic for a big name company and I as a registered nurse for a large hospital in the southeast. At 50 yrs old my husband had a stroke (due to a congential defect) and became disabled..being the responsible people we were he had taken out disability insurance at work.. It paid a small amout each month while we FOUGHT for his social security disability..3 years later with the help and cost of a lawyer we won and was given back pay for 3 years..the insurance company that he had paid for all those years.. stepped in and claimed all the back pay and social security said yes either you pay them or we don't give the back pay you can't have both.. so after the lawyers cut and the insurance companys cut..I actually owed 500.00 out of our pocket.. we had allowed my husband to place most of his money in his 401K because it paid the most... guess what!! We could not get his money ..there were only 5 things we could withdraw the money for..and disability was NOT one of them..and if we got the money it would affect his disability and they would cut it off.. 5 years later after his stroke..and me working 2 full time I was diagnoised with terminal cancer and became disabled.. so here we are both on social security disability and did you know that in south carolina that for 24 months after getting your disability you have NO insurance.. you must COBRA your insurance so I must pay 500.00 a month for insurance.. .OH and the 401Ks are still where they started and we can't get to a penny of it..we live like paupers and have a Heafty 401K that will be left to someone (we have no children) and Uncle Sam will step in and make someone pay 50% as we will never live long enough to get it. MORAL OF THIS STORY:::: BURY YOUR MONEY IN THE BACK YARD.. DON'T PUT IT IN A PLACE YOU CAN'T GET IT OR END UP SICK AND DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERMENT....WHO WILL CONTROL YOUR INCOME AND THEREFORE CONTROL YOU..

  20. I have a funny story too: My sister in law and her husband voted for Obama. I didn't know that and after the 2008 election I was venting when he told me they voted for him. I said "why"? Well he is on disability for a heart attack and she is out of work half the time and they get food stamps and a few other small things from the government and their theory was Obama would give them more. Ha Ha Ha! Well they signed up for Obamacare and found out they were going to have to pay $900 a month!! I'm not sure she even earns $900 a month. They are pissed. I'm just smiling. How's that "free stuff" working out for you?

  21. So, knowing what you know now, would you still write the cookbook?

  22. I hate it that you receive so little from all of your work, but I'm really glad you wrote the cookbook. I love it. It fits my lifestyle well.

  23. As a single mother I had the choice of:
    A. Getting a job as a teacher and, after taxes, barely scraping by on the teensy salary I would receive or
    B. Go find a job that I could make more money at to support my family.
    I chose B. I chose to become a Realtor. Last year, I had my best year ever. Unbelievably good! But . . . was it worth it? I think not. I too was punished for working 60 hour weeks as well as caring for my family! Apparently Uncle Sam thought I couldn't handle building up my savings account or retirement fund in a productive business year. Now, I think to myself, "What's the point?" I may as well go back to teaching or some other job because apparently it's not OK to make good money. Never in my life have I owed the government taxes . . . until now. I owe, I owe, so it's back to work I go!

  24. Enola, in the world, not of the world, the usa rejected CHRIST in the constitution, what did u expect?

  25. I feel the pain of a dark-colored, un-airconditioned vehicle in the summer time. I drive a black minivan with an electrical issue that renders the air conditioning irrepairable. It's HOT. I cope by taking a cold drink, keeping the windows down except in the rain (even when parked in town-- because, honestly, other than some old bluegrass CDs, if anyone is desperate enough to steal my van or anything in it then I will pray for them), and trying my best to make long-distance trips either very early or very late in the day (night driving is my friend).

    I realize I am missing the point of a corrupt government, a predatory tax structure, and a sick society...

    ...but it's a heck of a lot easier to analyze how to deal with a broken air conditioner than to analyze how to get a majority of the people to recognize what's going on and change it before it goes any farther down the predicted road.

    If you're not terrified of going into the home business business again, it might suggest a new product-- Naturally Chilly, a longer-lasting and perhaps less moist alternative to a bra full of ice chips. Not very ladylike, I suppose, but on the hottest days (think South Florida, in August, stuck in traffic on the Interstate with said broken air conditioner) it does work.

    Keep cool, dear one. In more ways than one.

  26. Hey Enola,

    This might be off topic but I was wondering if you could spread the word to please pray for us down here in TX. We who are awake are angry and very concerned. We live northeast of the state so we haven't seen the result YET but it''s just a matter of time.

    It's a great concern to me as I'm a mother to a young child and am currently expecting. I cannot afford to contract measles or the other diseases they are bringing.

    Just today we took our child to the local park and a latino with a young child came to play and he was coughing up a storm....needless to say we left and did NOT allow our child to come in contact with the youngster.

    This might sound harsh to some but we have no idea if this person is an American or an illegal (2 out of 3 latinos here are illegal) and if the are legal what if they are hosting a family member from south of the border who is carrying a disease. This is a serious problem!!!

    Border agents are becoming infected and just so your readers know this exodus of people from the south is NOT an accident. It was orchestrated by our gov't. ICE knew about this ahead of time and there is no way toddlers can walk from thousands of miles away in a few days...they were transported to the border.

    These foreign countries are declaring war on us by firing on our agents and pushing the drudges of their society on us. For those who don't live down here these are not "good" poor folks coming. These are gang members, rapists, murderers and most of them are illiterate in their own language and are disease infested.

    If you see an increase of latinos in your area then BE AWARE and watch your children!!!! Take care.

  27. The diseases you hear about are the tip of the iceberg. The government is actively suppressing the facts. Did you know that leprosy is making a comeback? In a decade it went from zero cases in the U.S. to over 8000 cases. Other diseases far worse then measles are making the rounds and killing and debillitating Americans. The government knows this, they have the stats and they aren't sharing that with you.

    1. I mention measles because I'm pregnant and don't have any resistance. My childhood vaccinations did not take, of course as an adult I didn't find this out until my midwife tested me. So that's why I mention it.

      Yes, I've heard of the leprosy coming back. Unfortunately the latinos will spread out of our state into every one in the union. Up through California and into any rural place that is cheap to live. So even if you are in the redoubt don't be surprised to see latinos moving in. They love places that are cheap and where they can hide as illegals.

    2. I like latinos, they work harder then most "citizens" thats for sure!

    3. But in one word, do you like illegal Latinos?

      As for the Redoubt, don't worry about us. Our cold climate, ice and snow make a heck of a lot better border than what all of the southern states have. And it is controlled by a much greater power than any evil government.
      Montana Guy

    4. I agree! I own a small company and everytime I hire a "citizen" for any physical labor they end up getting "hurt" so they can go back out in disability. I started hiring latino's and have absolutely no problems with them, no complaining, no "injuries" etc...

  28. Latinos are great! Very hard workers!

  29. I like latinos, hispanics, mexicans too. This isn't about who they are or where they came from. A lot of illegals came from Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia. A lot of "immigrants" came from the Middle East as refugees. The problem is we have millions and millions of immigrants legal and illegal coming here every year and we don't have enough jobs for Americans. We don't "need" immigrants legal or illegal. Almost all of it is grossly political where a special interest like La Raza puts pressure on lawmakers or simply buys them like the crooks they are to allow this to happen. Your property taxes go up every year to pay for more public schools and many of these school are growing because of llegal immigration. Hospitals are closing, actually closing their doors because ilegals use the emergency rooms like doctors offices and no one pays the hospital for this. Old diseasea are making a comeback because of illegal and legal immigration. Illegal immigrants kill aout 3000 people a year. A very large percentage of rapes and child sexual abuse is committed by illegal aliens. the list of problems they cause goes on and on. Why should we allow it? The fact is most Americans don't want it. Did you ever vote to have open borders, to dramatically increase legal immigration, to allow millions of refugees in??? The day will come when our government health care will deny Americans life saving health care because of the high cost of healthcare while at the same time giving free healthcare to millions and millons of illegals. At what point do you take a stand? Is there no aggession not law breaking no amount of tax increases that will get you off the couch and out in the street? If not then expect that once day soon you will lose your home to excessively high taxes you cannot pay because you lost your job to an illegal alien. The Media is lying to you and hiding the facts but you are like the frog slowly being brought to a boil and y the time you figure oth what happened your goose will be cooked.

  30. I think we should trade the lazy, welfare addicited "citizens" for some hard working "illegals" and make them citizens. It would be good for this country, shake things up, a new energy..

  31. Hey, what happened to captain crunch?? Long time no rant!

  32. Of course they are lying, NY Times reported that instead of 65,000 unaccompanied minors came since April, but 300,000 'immigrants'. 300 HUNDRED THOUSAND! Since April! We can not continue to absorb this many uneducated, low skill people. CA gives them food stamps and cash aid all the while advertising on spanish radio stations that they aren't allowed to ask their legal status. I'm seriously worried about all the illnesses they are bringing here.

    1. What illnesses?

    2. I live in Texas, have my whole life, and I can attest to the rapidly changing demographics of this state. But please allow me to give you some first hand experience with illegal immigration.

      The above folks are right, a lot of latinos work hard and for little pay. which is good for small business owners. They are used a lot on the dairies in east and west TX and all over the construction industry. Working hard isn't the problem!

      1. The problem is their spouses and children. You see many illegal men marry (in Mexico) legal latino women here in the U.S. So when they begin to have several children and apply for foodstamps and the other myriad of welfare programs they claim they are single...yep and if a woman has 4 children and is single then she gets A LOT more benefits.

      The welfare office will run a check on them with the wives social number but since they were married in Mexico nothing pops up in the U.S. system. So on paper they look single and very needy.

      2. Many of their children do not assimilate well into society. Why? Because as the main ones fluent in English many times 10 yr old kids have a lot of power due to being able to communicate with cashiers, teachers, etc. This shift in power leads to a lot of delinquency over time.

      Also when rural and urban schools are flooded with thousands of newly arrived children who don't speak English the schools are forced to funnel more money to ESL classes and staff. Our schools are going bankrupt over this. Not to mention the free breakfast and lunch programs that are required as well.

      3. Another issue I think a lot of folks who don't live down here miss is tax revenue. We all hate taxes but some are necessary. I know of many small rural towns that have had an influx of illegals and now because of no taxes being brought in from these folks (remember the wives are "poor" on paper and the illegal husbands aren't citizens) the infrastructure is crumbling.

      It's simply math really. When you have a declining citizen population (baby boomers dying and citizens not having babies) that pay city/property taxes you have a reduction in the amount of cash a community has to repair roads, maintain water sewage system, improve schools etc etc.................Now add a large influx of illegal immigrants who put added strain on the city's infrastructures yet no tax can be gleaned from them well what do you have? DEBT,DEBT, DEBT!!!!

      Then the state of TX comes in and finds their water system doesn't meet quality standards and fines which only adds to the burden. It is happening now and the large cities like Dallas, Austin etc. can give the appearance of being okay but smaller cities and rural communities are drowning.

      So I hope that those that spout off about how hard they work will stop and consider the other side. One one hand you get hard workers but on the other hand their dependents bleed the system dry. You get cheap labor but your state is getting hosed and it will require more and more of your tax dollars to support this influx of people.

    3. You are right. My wife does taxes. When she first started out some years ago she worked for those companies that set up a desk or two in the mall or at a Walmart. Almost everyone who uses these companies to file their taxes do so because they are on welfare and are trying to get their EITC as quickly as possible. These companies tend to be a little loose with truth as I will explain. One of the things the illegals would often do is come with a friend and both file for EITC (earned income tax credit) which can be $7,000-8,000. It varies depending on how much earned income they claim and how many children they have. So here are two women speaking broken English with 3-6 kids with them and you figure out their taxes and one will say "if I have one more child how much will I get?" The answer was usually a couple thousand more so they then claim another one of the six kids climbing all over the furniture is their's. You don't now if they are telling you the truth but seriously what do you think? They will also both claim one of the children. That is they come in with 5 kids and two women and each women claims three of the children. So you would think the IRS would catch this, right? Wrong! The IRS knowingly allows this. The IRS knows at the time the paperwork (or e-filing) hits their office if the SS is correct and if the person is defrauding the government. They choose not to follow up on it and I don't know why. They do it under this president and as far as I can tell they have always done it.
      When I was a kid (I'm 70) living back East in a large city we would get immigrants from Europe every school year. The teacher would introduce them and tell us which country they were from and ask us to help them until they learned English. Within 3 months they spoke good English and within 6 months they spoke English like they had been born here. The ESL program is 100% political and is intended to benefit a special interest group and in fact harms the immigrants since they fail to learn English well. Everywhere that the schools cater to a large hispanic population the teachers must be native hispanic. Not simply able to speak Spanish they must have been born and brought up in a Spanish speaking household. THAT is the reason for ESL not to help the student but to force hiring of hispanic teachers. It costs 1 and 1/2 times as much to teach a ESL student as compared to an English speaking student. The goal of ESL is to keep them in ESL from kindergarten through the 12th grade and thus hire more hispanic teachers. You probably thought the goal of ESL was to educate the children while they learn English. Bwahahaha!

    4. Please, what do you think will happen if we get rid of all the illegal laborers? Do you actually think citizens will do all the backbreaking work they do? Lol! We will pay $7 for a head of lettuce after they form a union and go out on disability for lower back injuries..

    5. This country is DONE it was a good run, but its over, CHRIST has been rejected..

    6. @Anonymous 4:49 I wrote the comment you referred to and I know exactly what you are saying. As a Texan, the ESL programs are a must now and they are ineffective.

      As a child we had a Mexican girl come in the 4th grade. Victoria couldn't speak a lick of English and our teacher asked us to help her. Everyone was excited to help and it bonded her with us.

      She was never mocked and within 6 months she spoke better English than a lot of us. She went on the graduate 3rd or 4th in our senior class and got scholarships to very good schools based on her academic success. It worked with NO ESL!!!

      @ Anonymous 10:21....are you so..well stupid (sorry to phrase it that way) that you don't get what we are trying to say.

      Yes they work hard and for little money but what about the rest of the problem. So what if I get lettuce at $2 a head if my state is going bankrupt, the schools are collapsing and 3rd world diseases are spreading?

      PLEASE for the love of God answer that! Stop the bullshit comments about how hard they work.

      If you feel so strongly about this then by all means invite some lice infested kids with TB to sleep in your kids beds or maybe some MS13 teen gang members to live with you. Because that's what is coming across the border.

      Come down here to TX we have over 300 thousand to pick from. But of course you won't be cause you and the other liberals won't put your money where your mouth is.

    7. @ Anonymous 10:44.......What illnesses!!? Really you have to ask? Ok let me list them for you and share what I learned from a family doctor I met at a dinner party a few nights ago.

      1. Scabies - I never heard of this before but the kind doctor explained it's a parasite that bores into the skin in between the fingers and toes. Very contagious but can be treated with a topical ointment.

      2. Lice - I hope you now what this is. Bugs that invest the hair both on the head and in other areas on the body. Very contagious but can be treated with topical wash.

      3. AIDS - no explanation needed

      4. Hepatitis A-E - a viral infection that attacks the liver. Leads to liver cancer and other liver diseases. No cure.

      5. Tuberculosis - affects the lungs. Highly contagious and can be deadly. The kind doctor said this concerned him the most because TB is becoming resistant to medicine and this is going to lead to deadly outbreaks that even vaccinations cannot eradicate.

      6.Gonorrhea - an STD that can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. It is becoming harder to treat some gonorrhea, as drug-resistant strains of gonorrhea are increasing.

      7. Norovirus - a very contagious virus. The virus causes your stomach or intestines or both to get inflamed (acute gastroenteritis). There is no specific medicine to treat people with norovirus illness. Norovirus infection cannot be treated with antibiotics because it is a viral (not a bacterial) infection.

      8. Chicken Pox - no explanation needed.

      9. Syphilis - an STD treated with antibiotics.

      That's just off the top of my head. So want to invite some of these kids in your home and let them snuggle up next to your children? Yeah, didn't think so.

    8. Damn near every hobo has the illnesses you listed, citizen or not. Get over yourself..

    9. @anon at 0953, Got Overreaction ? LOL!

    10. Gangs are gangs, whether they are citizens or not, you think homebred gangs are any better?! You are an alarmist scaredy cat. The odds are SO much greater that you will die in a car accident than get raped by a ms13 gang member, LOL!

    11. The fact that you are using ms13 gang member activity to condem all illegals is ridiculous and alarmist.

    12. You simply don't get it. It isn't about condeming all illegals. They broke the law and should be deported, simple as that. But to claim that illegal gangs and Mexican drug cartels aren't a huge part of the entire illegal immigration issue is naive to criminal. that illegal aliens make up approximately 30 percent of the population in federal, state and local prisons. there are approximately 1.4 million gang members living in our cities. Illegal immigration has been one of the primary factors that has fueled the growth of these gangs. Mexican drug cartels make approximately 6.6 billion dollars a year “exporting” illegal drugs to the United States. Mexican drug cartels were actively operating in 50 different U.S. cities in 2006. By 2010, that number had skyrocketed to 1,286. more than 55,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2006. That same level of violence will eventually show up in major U.S. cities unless something dramatic is done about illegal immigration. It is being projected that the Senate immigration bill will bring 33 million more people to the United States over the next decade. SO tell me should we be happy about all of this and open the borders???

    13. I get it, but the issue is more than immigration. Evil is evil. The us government is wicked, therefore you have our current situation. We cant handle our own citizens what makes you think we can handle illegals?

  33. About 1% of illegals in this country are picking our fruits and vegetables. Most illegals once they get here take jobs that our high school graduates used to take. The building and landscape business is 90% illegals. The problem that farmers have shouldn't be solved on the tax payers back. Either the farmers should pay enough for the labor that people will take the job OR they should pay the unintended costs of their ilegal laborers. I suggest each employer of an illegal pay an additional $10 an hour to state and local governments to pay for the schools, welfare, housing, jails, health care, and the many other costs of illegals that are now borne by the taxpayer. It still won't make it "right" but at least it will shift the costs to the right people.
    As an alternative I offer a better idea" Every employer hjiring an ilegal should be fined $1000 a day for each illegal. Anyone knowingly renting or selling anything to an illegal should pay a $1000 fine. Anyone knowingly giving an illegal any taxpayer paid benefit should lose their job and be fined. Anytime an illegal shows up at the emergency room the hospital is required to call ICE. Any illegal taken into custody must be deported within 24 hours or charged with a felony. Anyone who knowngly assists an illegal shuld be charged with a crime. Use the SS system to identify and find ilegals who use someone elses SS #. Put the military on the border until a complete fence can be built. End all legal and illegal immigration until everyone here illegally is found and deported. Once all the illegals are found and deported have a national referendum vote to determine if Americans even want legal immigration.

    1. You actually think american h.s. grads are going to go into construction and/or landscaping?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    2. Yes I do! In fact a friend of mine got married and her husband (a college grad) needed work so he worked for a landscaping company in Texas...through every season even the summer.

      He worked so hard and lost enough weight to concern their doctor but hey he had to provide so he did what he had to do. After a few years he was able to get on at a John Deere dealership and work his way up.

      Now because of his hard work ethic that started with a small landscape company in rural TX he now has worked his way to making over $100k year managing a John Deere dealership in TX.

      Take my husband for example. He only had a h.s. diploma when we married so he worked a lot of low income jobs. Walmart, a deer ranch and eventually got on with Coca Cola working 12-16 hours a day stocking product. The benefits sucked and he made less that $25K a year before taxes.

      Then Coke closed the branch and he decided in his late 20's to go back to school. So he worked bagging groceries and then worked with a bunch of Mexicans at a fiberglass company that was dirty work and no one wanted to do (hence the Mexicans) but he did because we needed to eat.

      Now he has graduated college and works for and aeronautical company make 3 times the money. Please don't tell me there are men out there who won't do the work. That's BS.

      Yes it can be done and is being done because people need work. Unfortunately a lot of my husband's friends can't find work because it's cheaper to hire illegals and not pay taxes, benefits or even minimum wage. It's not the workers faults but the company owners who find ways to slash labor costs by hiring illegals and letting the tax payer pay for their education, medical and food.

    3. Yes and they do unless the contractor hired an illegal to steal their job.

    4. Well, you better read the studies that prove that FAT, LAZY american kids would rather sit on their lazy butts then work in any type of physical labor. The local carpenter unions in my area had to shut their apprenticeship program down, due to lack of students! Blame the illegals all you want, but most "citizens" are no better..

    5. I don't think that what you claim is true. Sure some Americans are more willing to collect food stamps then to work but we still have most high school and college graduates working or looking for work. In a situation like that it make no sense to "import" workers to compete with them. But regardless it is wrong to advocate for something that is illegal. Would you also be in favor of freeing rapist and bank robbers? Illegal means "illegal !!

    6. @Anonymous 5:58............I don't know what studies you are referring to. A source link would be great.

      My father is in a Mill Wright Union and they have a journeymen program for adults not kids and before he retired he griped about how bad some of the guys work ethic and tool skills were.

      I don't think this is because American men have morphed into another species. I believe it's because our society has evolved from a more rural/agrarian society into an urban one. This happened across the country following WWII.

      My home state of TX officially became more urban than rural in the mid 1960's! So for over 50 years more folks have lived on pavement than pasture. This shift has led to more and more kids growing up in apartments and suburbs without the opportunity to hunt, use physical skills in employment (like farming etc.) and gain a work ethic.

      This is not an American vs. Mexican thing. This is an urban vs. rural thing. And if close to 80% of Americans live in cities then of course the studies will tilt toward the youth of America being lazy and wanting to only sit indoors with a gaming system.

      But my friend's husband and my own husband that I mentioned above both live in a rural environment. My husband's cousins (both under 16) live on a 300 acre ranch and could out work a grown man....see the pattern....rural.

      Just food for thought.

    7. @anon 558, you are correct, not only about physical labor, but also concerning the sciences. My friend is an asst professor of engineering at a large public university and he laments about how no american kids are pursuing the "hard" sciences. His courses are attended by mostly all foreign students who go back to their own countries after graduation.

    8. @anon418hrs, yup, I TOTALLY agree with you! The studies I refered to can be found any any search engine, check labor statistics, college degrees granted, etc..your friend and your husband are MEN, I do not include them in my rant ;). I consider myself an agrarian on hold until I can get some land, lol.

  34. The problem nowadays is that you can't get a job in construction unless you speak Spanish so that you can communicate with the illegals who have the other jobs. I have a graduate degree and would be willing to do that or hotel work, but I speak other languages and only a little Spanish.

  35. If this country wasnt so off the tracks and wicked this wouldnt be happening, this is just one issue among many that indicate a pending judgement of the usa for it rejection of God.

  36. I can't accept that premise. This country isn't wicked but some politicians and individuals are. The biggest problem this country has is that too many people don't pay attention to what is going on and our media isn't doing their job and lie to us and hide the truth. If Obama hadbeen properly vetted by the media I don't think he could have won a national election. A lot of our problems today are the result of the previous four national elections. We are going downhill fast. We have another national election in 3 1/2 months. If our voters fail to correct past mistakes we will continue this downward spiral. The choice is ours.

    1. Our country is wicked in the eyes of GOD:
      #1. Rejection of the Christian God in the constitution
      #2. "No test" clause in the constitution
      #3. "Freedom of religion" aka religious pluralism
      #4. Abortion
      #5. Sodomite "marriage"
      #6. UnBiblical taxation
      #7. Unbiblical criminal justice system
      #8. I could go on and on, and on...

      Read the Old Testament, see what happens to nations when they reject God... Its God's Word, isnt it time to use it, when, I dont know, maybe, WHEN YOUR TRYING TO RUN A COUNTRY!

    2. Your logic fails while your religious zeal is over the top. By your measure every country fails and the U.S. is the least bad. Just try that religious freedom in Iran. If you are doing the right thing you are not guilty because someone else is doing the wrong thing. Most Americans are good people livng their lives honestly and for you to decide that the entire country is bad because you focus on what the media likes to headline puts your common sense in great doubt. I suggest you get a life and broaden your interests.

  37. Its not my logic my friend, its God's...being "good" or "honest" isnt good enough for God. What standard do you live by? Man's or God's? The issues I listed are not "media headlines" they are willfull rejections of the creator God by a government. This country will reap what it sows just like the romans, greeks, nazi, etc... true believers in Christ will prevail as individuals, but the country will be judged as a whole

    1. Our country may well collapse but it will be because of overt acts by our politicians and probably some of these could be defined as treason. We are destroying ourselves. You may believe this is devine intervention but it is in fact a choice our leaders are making for us and a choice our voters have made in electing these leaders. Nothing more, nothing less and certainly not related to any of the 20 some odd religions in the world.

    2. We deserve what we get, why do you think people do what they do? Why do they elect UNGODLY leaders? Why do they revel in evil? Why do they love what God commands against? God is not an american, this country has rejected HIM and will go the way of all the other nations that done the same. God' s law has been rejected for mans secular humanism, just like europe will fall under islam, we will fall in the same way

  38. All are related to a rejection of God by the people and their leaders. Thats the bottom line. What standard so you live by? By what standard are we governed by? Mans or God's? Thats the question. Everyting falls into line with the answer to that question.

  39. That is the essential problem with radical islam. And your desire is to bring us radical Christianity where everything gets judged by your interpretation of the bible. Take care of your own house, I can take care of mine without your devine intervention. You are not god and you don't speak for god. In the 21st century it is scary that people think like you do.

  40. 1 Cor 18-25:
    18 For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written,

    “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
    and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.”

    20 Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preachb to save those who believe. 22 For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, 23 but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

  41. Romans 1:18-32:
    God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity
    18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

  42. Who said anything about radical islam? Islam is of the devil. All I asked is what standard do you choose to like by? God's (good) or Man's (fallen,evil). Maybe you should be scared...

  43. That isn't what you mean at all. What you mean is whatever YOU interpret god's word to be. There are a billion or so different interpretations of god's word. Feel free to follow your own or someone else's but do not confuse that with telling me what I should believe. Take care of yourself, be scared if that makes you feel better. But I will decide for myself what my standards are and how I will live my life.

  44. Of course YOU will decide, you reject God do to your fallen nature, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do, you are your own god. Satan plan is for you to do just that. Nothing different than what happened in the garden...

  45. I can only assume that you cannot even see or understand that you are proving my point. Seriously! Do you really believe Satan has a plan for me??? You are quite delusional and really should not speak in public. You could probably pass for normal if you simply don't talk or write yur views.
