Monday, September 30, 2013

Sustainable Preparedness Expo After Action Report

Sunday before last, Sir Knight, the children and I spent the day manning our booth at the Spokane, Washington Sustainable Preparedness Expo.  This year the Expo was held at the Fairgrounds and Expo Center - a perfect venue for the preparedness crowd.  The wing that housed this year's expo was full to overflowing with people seeking to expand their preparedness skills and knowledge base.  We met people from every walk of life - from those brand new to preparedness, to seasoned survivalists, to everything in-between.

All the guys like the gear
The doors opened at 10:00 a.m and we were immediately thronged.  So many people have awakened to the fact that the world is not becoming a more friendly, inviting place and may, in fact, be more than a little hostile.  They are wanting to have the ability to protect and provide for themselves and their families and are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

Somebody admiring the shot-up body armor
Our booth is very dissimilar from the majority of the booths at the Expo.  Most vendor booths are selling something very specific - solar panels, gold, dehydrated food.  Our booth is more about disseminating information.   We sell books (my books along with books written by our friend, Joe Nobody) and T-shirts and not much else.  The big draw to our booth is Sir Knight and his gear.  Sir Knight makes it a habit to bring his plate carrier, equipped with all of his gear and Master Hand Grenade's AR, to display at the front of our table.  He spent his day talking to people about gear - what to carry, how to carry, how much to carry.  He taught people how to break down an AR, what to look for in a sidearm and why making sure all of your electronics accept the same batteries is essential.  He spent his day teaching.

Sir Knight doing his thing.  Yes, that is me tucked back in the corner.
I spent my time at the Expo visiting.  The Expo is a wonderful opportunity to meet people from all over, share experiences and exchange information.  I got to meet people who read the blog - finally getting to put faces to names - and even signed a few books (which really does seem odd to me!).  The Expo is a much needed time of networking.

As vendors, Sir Knight and I thought this year's event was a success.  I would love to hear from those of you who had an opportunity to attend and hear your take on the Expo.

Until next year...


  1. Great to see y'all again! I hope you did gangbusters with sales, because you guys were swamped the whole time!


  2. Enola,

    It really sounds like everyone in the family enjoyed themselves at the expo. I wished we lived closer to attend. Looking forward to when you have your cookbooks here, can't wait to get one.

  3. Enola,


    Down here in Texas new people are waking up, gearing up everyday.

    One of my friends is 78 years old and was telling me he already has 5400 rounds of .22 ammo stocked up and this guy is a former/retired big city school superintendent in Texas with a PH.D. behind his name.
    I think its really neat that the demographics for the patriot/survivalist/prepper community consist of Americans from all walks of life, all religeons, all races and all cultures. Some people believe in End Times, Super volcano's and everybodys favorite, good ole' fashioned economic collapse and a runaway police state.

    1. Ahhh...he's the guy whose been hoarding all the .22 ammo that I can't find.....: = )

  4. Enola Gay, sadly we couldn't make the trek to Spokane this year - hopefully next year. I did want to tell you I bought your book when it came out and it is wonderful!! The information is great for young and old preppers alike. I didn't think there would be another book out there with fresh information (my bookshelf is loaded with this genre), but your book wins a blue ribbon. Several of my friends will have this under their tree this year.

  5. Enola, I think the guys in your family are "cute" but "manly"!
    I too am looking forward to your cookbook. Hope there's lots and lots of vegie recipes there.
    PS. Lest you think I am sexist, your whole family is lovely.

  6. Oh Enola, I would have loved to be a part of the Expo!! How exciting it sounds. I purchased your cookbook the day it became available. I have only one question: your recipe on page 67 calls for a 1/2 cube of butter. I do not know what that means, how much is a "cube'? I love everything about your book, it's very well written. I enjoy your stories and will be making some of your recipes soon. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Kathy from Maine

  7. Hello Enola. I talked with you briefly, just as the Expo was ending, to get your contact information. My husband, boys and I were standing around at the end there listening to your husband teach. Thank you! We were all working the admissions and errands all day and couldn't get over to meet you, When I came home, settled in and turned the generator on, your blog was the first place I went. Oh how I wish I had carved out some time to talk with you! We are near Priest River so although I don't know where you are, I'm hoping we bump into each other somehow. ;) My home is currently a small canning factory and I must get back to it. You have a beautiful, inspiring blog...thank you for taking the time to share.

  8. Maybe one day I'll get my rear end out there to that event. Long ways from Florida though. I wonder how much of the information would be applicable to such a significantly different climate.


  9. Hi Kids,
    It was great to see you all at the EXPO. I truely love each and every one of you. Maybe this Fall, I can come visit. I will bring my own firewood too.
    Miss you already.
    Be Prepared - Be Prayerful - Be Thankful - You are an America


  10. It was a pleasure seeing you and your family at the expo. My wife is greatly enjoying her cookbook, as well as the other goodies we picked up from you. Thanks!
