Monday, August 19, 2013

The Death of Natural Consequences

When our oldest children were little, Sir Knight and I participated in a bible study aimed at helping young parents wade through the early years of parenthood.  One of the key principles that stuck with me was the principle of Natural Consequences.  Basically, natural consequences were the end result of poor, rebellious or disobedient behavior.  We never disciplined our children after they had suffered natural consequences - their suffering was usually more than enough punishment to get them back on track.  Only when our children didn't encounter natural consequences were we compelled to enforce alternate consequences.  It was a really good system.  Our children learned through experience and generally didn't make the same mistake twice (well, most of the time anyway!).

Our society has experienced the death of natural consequences.  In our quest to tolerate all behavior, whether beneficial or not, we have erased natural consequences.  It used to be that if you soiled a young ladies honor, you had a shotgun wedding.  If you broke into a man's home, you were shot.  If you didn't hold down a job, you didn't eat.  You get the picture.  There were consequences for your behavior.  You knew the rules of society and you chose to obey them....or not.  But you knew if you didn't live according to the laws of the land your life would be on the line, or at the very least your reputation.

We no longer have such natural consequences.  Now, if you soil a young ladies honor, you can just live with her until you find a new honey.  The State will pay the medical bills to deliver your baby.  The State will issue WIC checks and food stamps and take over what is supposed to be your responsibility.  Now, if you break into a man's home, not only will he face repercussions if he shoots you, but you could sue him for injuring yourself on his property during your break-in attempt!  Now, if you don't feel the need to hold down a steady job, you can just tell the government and they will provide for your needs.   Now, there are no consequences for poor behavior, just encouragement and incentives.

And, in a feel-good, liberal society, our reversal of fortunes is complete.  Good has become bad and bad has become good.  We can't expect unmarried parents to provide for their own children - they simply don't have the means.  We can't protect our own homes and lives with deadly force - those poor people wouldn't be stealing if society had treated them better.  In these hard economic times, how can we expect anyone to hold down a job?  Scrubbing toilets, digging ditches or holding down more than one job to support yourself?  Well, that's just demeaning - especially when you can make more on food stamps and unemployment.  Anyone who tells you different - well, they just want to starve the children, the elderly and all of those other "at risk" folks.  Heartless cruelty, I tell you!

Are we proud of ourselves?  We have effectively taken away the consequences for the multitudes.  We are supporting those that consistently make poor decisions and in order to do that, we are taking from those that consistently make responsible decisions.  Can you imagine doing that with your children?  One child breaks his bike again and again, going over the same jump that you told him not to go over, so you take the bike from your other child (a bike that he has cared for meticulously) and give it to the rebel?  Seriously?  If that's the case - you are a bad parent.  Really.

Society needs natural consequences if it is going to prosper.  Without them, society ceases to function in any cohesive way.  When natural consequences are removed, society becomes a bubbling cauldron of chaos.  And that is no way to live.  We, our children and our nation needs natural consequences.  We need to get out of the way and allow people to experience the consequences of poor decisions, only then will be begin to make our way of the pit we have dug for ourselves.


  1. Excellent post as usual Enola. Your have it exactly right. I would vote for you for president as you could straighten this country out.

  2. Once more, you hit the nail on the head. So true! This was actually the topic of conversation during a canning spree the other day. Not only were three generations bumping elbows in a tiny kitchen to process peaches, it was also an interesting history lesson as my grandfather and mom discussed politics and the old days. Too bad the return of natural consequences probably won't happen without some sort of upheaval.


  3. I have no problem helping someone who can't work. I have a huge problem being forced to help someone who won't work.

  4. Spot on as always. Thank you for holding the standard up where is should be. You inspire us all.

  5. Our government gives money to support unwed mothers and their gang member kids, while our veterans get substandard care. This country isnt worth the sacrifice these men have made..

  6. Enola,


    As usual Enola, your post is right on the money. The only part important part I think you have left out is its "our leaders who also an set the example"

    We have politicians and media prostitutes who have gotten cought red handed like "Bill Clinton", "Anthony Wiener" along with many pop stars and actors with more issues than National Geographic Magazine.

    The misguided youth of this nation follow their every move and mimic their abhorrent behavior.

    Our youth are being assaulted from every angle with this modern day filth.

    Enola, I hope you don't mind me changing the subject but I have been reading up on the atrocities in Egypt committed against Christians and Jews recently. I dug around in the Bible a little and now think that another "Exodus" may be whats coming (Exodus 2.0) if you don't mind me making a modern approach to it. I now wonder if the ten plagues will strike Egypt all over again?

    Thinking about the situation makes me think of the "Johnny Cash" song, "When the man comes to town" (I think that's the title)

  7. Not looking forward to seeing what the natural consequence is for a nation that that is "officially" 15+ trillion dollars in debt with foreign nations and no way to even remotely pay it back.

    1. Hey Anon,


      The National Debt is 16.9 Trillion.

      That baby should pop 17 Trillion any day now and Obamacare will add another two the three trillion as I understand it.

  8. Enola - you have outdone yourself ! This message that you bring resounds with me on so many levels ! Your ability to craft this message speaks well of you. It reminds me of the difference between Ephesians and Romans - both addressing doctrine but on a level of understanding that is higher level for the former. This is one I will have to " copy " and keep in my file - never know who " might have to hear it " !

  9. Well said, Enola (as usual)! Too bad this can't be published in every paper in America. Wise words, thank you!


  10. Natural consequences are coming. It may be a slow process getting there, then again, maybe not. But, fast or slow, those consequences ARE coming. This nation will never be able to pay off its debts, and at some point the government is going to "run out of other people's money." (Thank you Margaret Thatcher!) At this point there is simply no way to avoid it. I am preparing to live through a second great depression. Those that don't, will find out what the natural consequences are.

    Stay safe everyone! Keep the faith and keep on prepping!


  11. "Natural Consequences" for a wicked nation like america, get ready for the smackdown!:

    Job 12:23: He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again.
    Psalm 9:17: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
    Psalm 9:20: Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.
    Psalm 22:27: All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
    Psalm 72:11: Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.
    Psalm 135:10:Who smote great nations, and slew mighty kings;
    Isaiah 17:13: The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
    Isaiah 34:2: For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.
    Isaiah 60:12: For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
    Jeremiah 25:31: A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.
    Deuteronomy 8:20: Like the nations that the Lord makes to perish before you, so shall you perish, because you would not obey the voice of the Lord your God.

    1. I agree. I feel sorry for the children with poor parents.

      Satan is indeed using the government to do his work. Me think folks better be good at dodging sulfur.
      Montana Guy

    2. I would also include Revelation 18...the entire chapter rings with similarity to the current U.S. situation

  12. I've been reading your blog for over a year.

    It is wonderful to see young people such as yourselves, raise your children the right way.

    You are an inspiration

  13. Very good points but "if you soil a young lady's honor" is kind of naive. Today it is more likely that the woman choose to get pregnant either to collect welfare or trap a man into a relationship.

  14. I just have to vent a little. What the hell is going on today? Society is crumbling and for some damn reason I'm supposed to be ashamed of being white and teach my child that bull**** too. I am so sick of it. I'm tired of the uproar over that punk Travyon or whatever the hell the MAN's (not boy, he was 17) name was and nothing about the WWII vet murdered in Spokane or the Aussie in Oklahoma...this is ridiculous!!!!

    Want to talk about natural consequences, our pastor and elder both carry in the pulpit so if someone wants to shoot up our church they might get sent to hell a little quicker than they thought and both my husband and I are getting CHL's too. Some BLACK man (yes I said it, it's statistically more likely to happen) may kill me but I sure as hell will try to take him down as well. Enough is enough!!!

    Enola you don't have to post this I just want you to know I'm mad and you're smart as hell to prep your kids, especially the girls. Funny thing, our pastor has close to a dozen kids and for grad gifts he doesn't give his girls jewelry or money, nope he gives them a pistol! Three down and more to go! Praise God and pass the ammo.

    1. Hey Anon,


      Yeah' that killing in Spokaine made me sick to my stomach. A Iwo Jima veteran gets beaten to death by a couple of the worst scumbags to ever escape the depths of hell.

      This was a racially motivated hate crime and revenge for Trayvon Martin in Florida.

      If you get CHL's and carry with the serious intent on defending yourselves, you best be right with God and right with yourselves. The first time you pull a gun and point it at another human and you have time to think about it, you will remember that moment clearly for the rest of your life.

      If you pull the trigger a lawyer will be attached to every bullet and you had better kill what you shoot so it does not come back and sue you.

      If you kill the person you shoot, you will probably puke your guts up and have the shakes and you probably will have PTSD for years afterwards. Taking another mans life, ain't like stepping on a roach. It does not matter how bad of a scumbag he is.

      You have best be prepared to go through hell afterwards and it will take years for your life to resume to normal but you will never be the same afterwards.

      If you can, call the police and let them handle the bad guy. If you can too, evade the bad guy and run away. If you have no other choice, then kill the bad guy. That at least will give your mind some rest knowing you did everything you could to "avoid the situation" and your local law enforcement will see that and that will work in your favor if your taken to court.

    2. CPT, well said. People must remember that they will be treated as a suspect by the police, since the police weren't there and have no idea if you were the "good guy". You could sit in jail until that is done. Also, even if you are exonerated by the justice system, the family of the deceased may still come after you in civil court. You need to ask yourself, "is it worth it?" I bet zimmerman would have stayed in his car and let the police handle it if he could do it all over again. I carry everywhere I go, but I would only intervene to save my life or anothers, not to stop a possible property crime..

  15. Amen Anonymous @9:38.

    Pat Buchanan is a straight-shooter in my book. Re the young Aussie’s murder, he stated that America's “character-forming institutions – home, church, school have collapsed”. Sad, but there is hope.

    I immediate thought of this blog (and our other favorite Yes, American culture and values still thrive in pockets of America. Engaged parents, home-schooling, home-churching (Deuteronomy 6:7)… Yes it is hard work. But look no further than Enola’s children to see the rewards. Upholding values is hard. That’s why they call them ‘values’. I’d encourage all young families to make whatever sacrifices necessary to do the same. “With God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26)

    Montana Guy

    1. Montana Guy,


      Yeah' Im with ya when it comes to Pat Buchanan and some the the other stuff you said.

      Down here in South Texas you would be surprised at the amount of "like minded individuals" that exist. People from all walks of life. Ones that send their kids to public school and live otherwise mainstream lives but in private they are fully awake.

      I got back into surfing and talking to the guys in my old crew I used to surf with have been purchasing AR-15's and now some of the younger surfers (ones in their 30's) are looking for rifles and stocking up on ammo. Don't believe the California surfer stereotype of the "Pot Smoking" 'dead beat beach bum. Down here in Texas we got a different breed of surfer. One Dude (yes' we use the word Dude) is burying burial tubes in his backyard filled with gun parts and AR uppers and lower recievers and has more food storage than I do.

      There are a lot of "Wolves in Sheeps clothing" out in this country that are quietly gathering supplies for their families and preparing for the hard times ahead.

  16. Amen Sister!!! Very well written.

  17. Enola,


    sorry to add another comment Enola, but I thought you would get a chuckle out of this.

  18. Some natural consequences are unavoidable-and quick. A case in point. Some local crackhead was stealing copper from off one of those huge industrial rooftop air conditioners, and got a 440 volt natural consequnce (he lived through it, but isn't going to be enjoying life for a while). Who knows? The idiot may sue and win-and no doubt the state will be paying his medical bills. You can't avoid consequences-just put them off for a while.

  19. "Our society has experienced the death of natural consequences."

    I suspect this is only a temporary thing. It's like stepping off a cliff - you are OK for a while, but eventually the ground comes up and smacks you. That's where society is these days.
