Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Awakening

I love the renewing life spring breathes into Little Shouse on the Prairie.  After a long winter slumber, we throw the doors open wide and welcome the rejuvenating spring air.
See the hive box we used as a coffee table?

A number of years ago, Sir Knight added a little "sun room" onto the front our our shop. Every year since then, I have dressed the sun room to encourage the very best of outdoor living.
The kids love to sleep here on hot summer nights!

Oh, the feeling of sheer luxury we enjoy when we take our tea in the cool spring breeze of the sun room!

And from the outside....

Thanks for coming for a visit!


  1. So beautiful.. Right now I'd love to lay down on that lovely bed and relax.

  2. There must not be as many mosquitos in Idaho as there are here-no way you could sleep outside like that at night..the bugs would drag you off. Looks cool, though. I'd have to add a sound system..

    1. Oh, yes - we do have bugs! The green netting above the bed is mosquito netting. It spreads over the entire bed, ensuring bug free nights!


  3. I love your sun room! Rivals even the "best" (i.e. expensive) ones shown in those fancy-pants glossy magazines.

  4. I love your sun room. That is exactly what I would add to our house if we owned it.

  5. Enola,

    Beautiful sun room, I would want to sleep in this room during the spring/summer myself. Enjoy spring and summer :-)

  6. Love it, looks homey and comfortable!

  7. What a really lovely space! Are those Iris that are not yet blooming out front in the boxes?
    Lake Lili

    1. Yes. I seperated the iris' this year so they didn't bloom - but they sure look pretty, don't they!

  8. Enola,


    Real nice setup you' all have. It gets so hot down in South Texas that we use 'Sun Rooms to slow cook brisket.

    That wire mesh you have to keeep Polar Bears and Meese's out (I guess Meese's is plural for Moose) We use the same stuff to keep feral hogs out.

    I saw the comment up there about "bugs"

    Down here in South Texas, that "Buzzing" sound you may hear in the sky is either a "Predator Drone" or a "Texas Size Mosquito" (You dont need hunting permits for either one and there is no limit)

    I would reccomend using "Depleted Uranium Birdshot" for either drones or mosquitos.

  9. Is that camo netting ready to roll down the 'open' walls of the sun room?

    1. Yes! The front of the sun room faces west, so the afternoon son can be brutal. We tried everything to shade the sun room and nothing was particularly effective, until we tried the netting. It is awesome! Filtered sunlight, allowing the breezes to flow throw. Perfect.


  10. Love the sunroom...Enjoy...
    Love from NC

  11. How beautiful and calming. It whispers, "come sit and relax, have a spot of tea and some good conversation", something I often have a problem doing.

    I am storing away mental files of your fabulous ideas. The deer consume almost everything that is green here, except daffodils and I may, funding dependent, plant some this fall. I love the look of the hog panels. I wanted something similar instead of spindles on the stairs and decks. I will push harder for it next time! It's functional and pleasing to MY eye, at least, LOL!

    Thanks for bringing us into your home, Enola. You are a gracious host to your internet family.

