Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Our Summer in Pictures

So sorry for the silence!  Between domain problems and general busyness, I have neglected this poor little blog horribly.  I hope your summer has been delightful.  Ours has been going at a frantic rate, with our children going in so many different directions, our garden growing well for the first time in 15 years and our current lack of generator, adding to normal homestead challenges. 

To catch up a bit, here is our summer in photos.....

Raspberry's ripening on the vine

Raspberry Custard Tart

Garden Fresh!

Potatoes, freshly dug

Green beans, almost ready to harvest

A positive food forest!

Bell peppers



Tea Cakes with Devonshire Cream and Raspberry jam

Tea Time!


  1. Beautiful veggies! Glad you are back

  2. You have been so missed. Glad you are back. I understand the busy part.

  3. Wonderful pictures; looks like you've had a good summer!

  4. We missed you but Patrice assured us everything was OK.
    Montana Guy

  5. So enjoy your posts but understand how life takes precedence. Especially with teens and near-teens in the household!
    Congratulations on the spectacular garden! It looks like this new technique has served you well. SJ in Vancouver BC

  6. Where have you been? I check everyday, although several friends assured us you were okay. Welcome back! You have lots to teach and tell us.

  7. I am truly thrilled you are back. I love your blog. It was kinda like friends had gone missing.
