Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Prayer of Thanksgiving

From time to time I take my robust good health for granted.  This morning I was visiting with my mother (over the phone) while she was busy with last minute Thanksgiving preparations.  She was telling me about her upcoming travels and the many things that needed to be done in the next few weeks.  One of the items on her "to-do" list was making dinner for a local family.  This family is gracefully walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  Dad is a pastor, mom is a homemaker and schools her 6 children at home.  They live a quiet, simple and wholesome life.  And mom has inoperable cancer.  The oldest child has accepted the mantle of womanhood and is schooling and caring for her younger siblings, while she cooks, cleans and runs the home.  Two nights a week, in an effort to ease this young lady's burden, my parent's church provides a meal for the family.  It is a small gift, but a gift born of love.

As we prepare for Thanksgiving this year, we will be giving thanks for the bountiful health we enjoy.  But as we give thanks, we will also remember those that are walking a very different path.  We will thank God that He is caring not only for the healthy but especially for the sick, the tired and the weak.  He truly is The Great Physician.

I Needed the Quiet
I needed the quiet so He drew me aside
Into the shadows were we could confide
Away from the bustle where all day long
I hurried and worried when active and strong.
I needed the quiet, tho at first I rebelled
But gently, so gently, my cross he upheld
And whispered so sweetly of spiritual things
Tho weakened in body, my spirit took wings
To heights never dreamed of when active and gay
He loved me so greatly he drew me away.
I needed the quiet.  No prison my bed,
But a beautiful valley of blessings instead
A place to grow richer, in Jesus to hide.
I needed the quiet, so he drew me aside.
Alice Hansche Mortenson

A beautiful Thanksgiving to you all.


  1. If you can find someone in the community to match with a donation of labor - my wife and I would be glad to sponsor 2 meals worth of groceries for this family. Please let us know if this is possible I am sure other readers will join.

    1. Oh, my goodness - what a heartfelt offer! I have called my folks and asked them to talk with their pastor. I'll get information to you as soon as possible.

      And now I am thankful for so much more....


    2. Please do so! We generally have plenty of need to serve in our own community, but the story of the young lady stepping up hit a nerve, if we can ease her (as well as the families) burden, well that's exactly what we will do.

    3. I will join in this offer as well. Please let me know how to send some money. It was this time last year that my father was stricken with a cancer that took his life on January 15, 2014.

    4. we could also start a assistance fund using GOFUNDME to get them some finances as well.

    5. So, any movement on the GOFUNDME?

  2. Thank you Enola for a uplifting story. Our family will be keeping the family you mentioned in our prayers. I can't give much, but would like to make a donation to them, after going through some health related issues ourselves this year, we now realize just how Dr. visits and travelling to and fro can add up. We'd feel honored to help them out. God Bless you and your family. (I love the poem you posted, I am printing it to share with a friend grieving the loss of her brother this week.)

  3. The church we attend is a large one so I do not really "know" this family but they are going through a similar situation. The dad was a firefighter, strong and healthy until his body was attacked by the cancer. He has fought a valiant fight and hopes to live through Christmas for his wife and children. I plan to send the poem to them. Even his wife and children may receive a blessing from it. Thank you for sharing it with us. Thanks, also, for all your posts and the encouragement you share with us, your readers. Marilyn in SW MO

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Enola Gay and family. May God bless you all.

    Col. 1:9-12,


  5. Thank you for this. God Bless you all.

  6. Dear Enola, I have followed your blog for quite a while.. dreaming and working towards a self-sufficient as possible life style. My hubby had a stroke 5 years ago and I have been his main care-taker.. Suddenly May 2 yrs ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to my lung, thyroid, and spinal cord. I was given 7 months life expectancy..God gave me the strength to take care of him for 2 years...approximately 3 months ago he gave his life to Jesus...and on November 17 God suddenly called him home.. I thank God that he was merciful and that he did not have to linger and suffer...Now I grieve for ME not him as I know he is in heaven. We were married for 38 years..Your poem was a BLESSING for me to read.. Thank You and May God bless and Keep you and Yours..We all have our crosses to bear they are just made of different wood.
