The effects of the new "Affordable Care Act" (aka Obamacare) are being realized by nearly every American citizen. The fallacy of "if you like your insurance, you can keep it" has been widely exposed as patently false and previously insured families have become the latest victims of an overreaching government bent on proclaiming its godhood.
Although our immediate family has not yet been affected (not yet, being the operative phrase), my parents health care has seen a marked change. For years, they have scheduled a yearly physical. They have no major health issues and their physical is merely preventative maintenance. This year, they called to schedule their physical and were told that under the new Affordable Care Act legislation, they were no longer allowed to have a "physical", however, they could make different appointments, each specifically dealing with one aspect of their previously scheduled yearly physical. During one appointment, they could discuss any health concerns with their doctor. During another, completely separate appointment, they could have blood tests performed. Yet another appointment would be required to address any of their previously discussed health concerns and test results. Wow! That makes sense - three appointments where one would have sufficed.
While this may not seem excessive to some of you (although I can't imagine anyone who would think this was a good idea), when you take into consideration that my folks live way out in the boonies and have to travel over 2 1/2 hours, one way, to make a trip to their doctor, legislation like this becomes ridiculous. Not only did my parents have to make three 5 hour trips, they also learned that their coverage had changed significantly. They had been deemed too old for numerous routine tests yet they now qualified for STD testing and birth control pills. What?!
As you may have guessed, I am no fan of Obamacare. I do not believe that the government has any business melding in our health care. So why do they? Because we have forced them. We have become terrified of death and dying. We have bowed down to worship at the feet of health and youth. We no longer rely on God for our every breath. Having dethroned God, we now believe that the State issues life. And if the State issues life, then the State must also be responsible for health.
The truth is, that our very existence is a gift from the One True God. The State has nothing to do with it. I am not the State's responsibility - I am God's responsibility. He made me, He cares for me and He sustains me. He numbered the days of my life before I was born. He counted the hairs on my head and breathed existence into my being. As a child of God, I have nothing to fear.
I know that I may fall ill tomorrow. I know that one of my children may be in a horrific accident. But when push comes to shove, do I demand redress from the State, for help from an unfeeling bureaucrat? Or do I appeal to the maker of the universe?
We have forgotten where our life comes from. In our earnestness to make sure that everyone has equal access to health care - to take from one person and give to another, we have forgotten that we already do have equal access. Rich or poor, healthy or sick, black or white, we all have the ability to kneel before the throne of God and plead our case. We have forgotten that health is not our god. That sickness and death may, in fact, be the very path to the salvation of our souls. We have forgotten that our soul is by far more important than our body and that suffering can be the cocoon from which the greatest blessings and beauty emerge.
I am in no way advocating deserting prudent health care. That would be poor stewardship and completely ridiculous. I am, however, advocating that we become less focused on our "right to accessible health care" and more focused on the author of life. The State is not our god. The King of Kings alone bears that title.
The State is but a puny god. Worship in Truth.
I have such a problem with Obamacare. How can I buy Obamacare knowing that I am supporting morning after pills (which kill babies) and birth control devices/pills that also kill by not allowing the baby to implant in the womb? How can I stand before God and give an account of this on Judgement Day? I have to stand with a clear conscience. I can not buy Obamacare.
ReplyDeleteAnd now the outward blatant persecution of Christians intensifys because they couldn't put a line in Obamacare for our conscience to not support killing babies.
I am more worried about standing before God on Judgement Day then man.
amen and Amen
DeleteHey Anon and David Edward.
Yeah' the abortion part of the Obamacare is what makes me sick the most. My tax dollars paying for abortions.
I have been spending a lot of time on the 3 Percenter blogs (iiipatriots, western rifle shooters association and so on)
They know what needs to be done.
Maybe if were lucky though, God will smite us or 'smack this country down" We got it comin' for all the stuff we are doing now. For that matter, count in China, and most other socialist and pagan countries (Pakistan etc)
The human race in general has 'grown too big for its britche's Something will come along, another anti-Christ, a bio-engineered plague out of a lab, global thermonuclear war. Take your pick. We will be held accountable for playing God.
Obamacare is an unGodly law from beginning to end. It incorporates stealing from those who pay their way to make sure that those that don't receive free benefits. It demands that people defy the Word of God and pay for the murder of innocent souls, the promiscuity of immoral beings, and control agents of life itself. It is a law that abhors the freedom to live a Godly life and attacks those who try to do so.
ReplyDeleteChristians should stand out as beacons of light against such laws as Obamacare. The Church should be salt, not tepid water. Apathy, ignorance, and busyness are not excuses for allowing God's Principles and Word to be defiled. There is no excuse ever for that.
While you may not like Obama or Obamacare it has been and will be a very much wanted service for people in our country. Everyone deserves to have good healthcare, all people started out as God's blessing to the world, why wouldn't all people deserve to have good healthcare. It should not be just for the rich. And private health care companies are an oxymoron. Health care insurance companies make money and answer to their stockholders when they are not making money. Health care insurance can make more money by medically treating less of the sick people they insure. Imagine the parents of a child sick with leukemia (it used to be curable by 20% some years ago, but the cure rate for childhood leukemia has risen to 80%, WITH TREATMENT), which is very expensive and impossible without good health care insurance. Imagine seeing your child die because you couldn't afford to pay for the medicines and the medical care they needed. You may think God is in charge of whether your children die or live, but I know plenty of people that are very good people and even Godly, but they still have suffered senseless tragedies. Any doctor will tell you that also. Recently in our community 2 twin girls about 16 years old died because of a man, who had probably been drinking, crossed the centerline on the highway and killed them both. Where is God's mercy here - I'd rather believe it was the Devil. Most of us know we will die and accept that, but many of us prefer to live a long life and we surely do not want to see our children die before they are old.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with your post, Anonymous, is that you assume that Obamacare will improve anything or provide something for those in need. The last 6 weeks should have shown you by now that it is making insurance more expensive and healthcare even further out of reach of those in need. The high deductibles of the lowest cost plans on top of the monthly cost of premiums mean that low earners will be paying money we don't have just to comply with the law for nothing until the deductible is met. It is forcing doctors into early retirement, degrading the quality of available healthcare everywhere. It is forcing people who are currently under treatment for cancer to lose the coverage they have come January. The drugs they have been getting on their current plans aren't covered under Obamacare. Just because you are sure your intentions are noble doesn't mean that the outcome will be good.
DeleteAnonymous 2:22. My family is sick. Yes; sick of people using their wicked, idolatrous Godless government to steal our property and our God-given liberty. These folks don't have the courage to walk onto our property and steal from us. Instead they use government tyrants to do their stealing under the threat of lethal force, loss of property, fines and/or incarceration.
DeleteThese folks got their beloved Obamacare. What’s the matter? Oh that’s right, socialists never want to eat their own cooking.
America abandoned God, and has obviously fallen out of His grace. Perhaps Obamacare should not be viewed as a prize but rather a pestilence.
Montana Guy
To Anonymous: Just because Obamacare is a "very much wanted service" does not make it right. There are PLENTY of things that are wanted by the people in our country, would you be the first in line to put YOUR tax dollars in the community pot to pay for mandatory ObamaHerion (Affordable Opiate Act) for everyone just because it is something that is "very much wanted"? Just because a majority (or minority) of people want something does not make it right to steal from others in order to provide for those wants.
ReplyDeleteI wish to say amen. We have laid our bodies down to the chapel of youth disregarding the Creator for far too long. Universal healthcare is one thing. I disagree with it entirely, BUT Obamacare never was intended to work, as we are all seeing. The end game was not to insure those that was about more money for the coffers with little return.
ReplyDeleteMy family can not afford healthcare. We DO NOT use the system and lean heavily on the Lord. We recognize that not having care is not the downfall, but in the past three years we have lost the doctors that used to take payments for care. Why? Because of the new healthcare legislation.
We did not opt to attempt the computer site as anyone that has been following this administration understands IT is not about the American people and our president is not genuine about his goals.
What should we do about this as Americans? We should return to our Lord. We should direct our lives in His ways. We should stop the lie about choice. We should get on our knees and pray. We should get on our knees and ask for forgiveness...
and then we should pray for our country to get back on the path towards God.
Obamacare has proved to be an imploding disaster-and we all knew it would be. This has never been about "health" care-this is about government control and the transfer of wealth to a centralized government and those who do not produce. The well being of hospitals, doctors, nurses, et al is in serious jeopardy! Doctors end up with $250,000 -400,000 worth of debt: at the base physician level. Add getting surgical skills (as in brain surgeon) or specialized fields of study and they are close to a million and 40 years old BEFORE they can open an office and start making money. Think that is a lie? Medicine is an art and a SKILL that takes years to teach and years to learn. It isn't important until YOU need that skilled surgeon! We have lived for a long time in the age of everyday miracles. It's going to be traded in for state of the art medicine from Somalia. This is also affecting pharmacies, pharmacists, and pharmacy techs. I know-I am a pharm tech. We are going to have cattle-call, less than mediocre, for the general public. But, the Elites; the super rich, the politicians, the actors and actresses, etc will still be firmly enscounced in their plush ivory tower hospitals. My best advice is to go off grid. Find a doctor who takes zero (no) insurance. Pay a monthly fee or pay a once a year fee,and see a doctor who is not connected to the net. Your privacy is safe and you are free to talk with your medical doctor. (You aren't with Obamacare). Get energized about healthy eating, taking a walk twice a day, doing some yoga or pilates, or being aware of your body. A physical is less when you pay the bill up front. Off grid doctors are now charging $300 instead of $1000 because he now has no insurance paperwork to deal with. He is free to do what he wanted to do-treat the sick and heal. That is nowhere in Obamacare! -Stealth Spaniel
ReplyDeleteEnola, you put a different perspective on this for me. I have always been against Obama care because I didn't want government controlled care. However, you specifically made me see that we are indeed putting the State above our God! This isn't about health care; it's about the State going above God's natural laws.
ReplyDeleteI thought about your oldest son and the problems he has faced since he was born. I believe that God took care of that boy as He is still taking care of all of us.
You have the right idea. God bless you for making it clear.
Amen sister! Totally my take as well. :)
DeleteCompletely agree, Enola . One option to look into is Christian Medishare. Don't know all the details so I encourage you to do some research.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous at 2.22: no one in this country goes without needed medical care. NO ONE. When I was young and poor and had a cancer scare, I received prompt and excellent medical care. I did go into debt but negotiated some of the costs and eventually paid off the remainder over several years. What that experience made me realize was that I needed to invest in an insurance policy, which I've done ever since.
ReplyDeleteWhat the ACA does won't lower costs nor will it insure everyone. Indeed, more than five MILLION people have received cancellation letters because of the ACA. We are watching the destruction of our health insurance system and our healthcare system. All because some people wanted a 'free' system...also known as theft.
Many of those who expected some thing for free are shocked that they have to pay .
DeleteWe too are not thrilled with OC, and the types of things immorally covered not only by them but regular insurances as well. So, my husband has been looking into Samaritan Ministries, they are a Christian Medical sharing organization. I spoke with a very nice young man yesterday and he answered an entire list of questions that we had come up with. We are going to opt out of the insurance with his work and move to this organization. We rarely need to go to the doctor, we have been very blessed; but with 5 children at home, you never know. This way our money doesn't line the pockets of someone, it helps a family or person in need. And with the check that we will be sending, we can also send cards and encouragements along with our prayers. I am really looking forward to joining this group of over 26,000 Christian families. Jane in TN
ReplyDeleteYou won't regret it. We have been part of Samaritan for almost 4 years and have been blessed during our trials. It is also a blessing to be able to send our money to other Christians in need.
DeleteObamacare operates like most government agencies across the planet and throughout history-it starts out snafu, moves up the scale to tarfu, and winds up fubar. The scary part is once created, most government agencies tend to be nearly immortal-regardless of how bloated and inefficient a monster it becomes-just wind up throwing more and more of other people's money at it and hoping,one day, it'll work.. Creating monsters typically doesn't turn out well.
ReplyDeleteRight on!
ReplyDeleteHave you checked into a healthcare sharing ministry such as Samaritan Ministries? They are exempt from Obamacare and provide Christians an alternative. stated that the reason that the govt has got us into this nonHealth care deal is because WE FORCED THEM ? I think NOT. They are doing all this not because anyone forced them into it but because THEY desire ultimate control. They desire to destroy the middle class. Yes, there are those that want their life paid for by others but this is NOT the reason for O-care. The reason for O-care is far more sinister and again...has NOTHING to do with what the 'people' want.....not even the ones that want a free ride. They don't CARE about the people. Wake up.....
DeleteI may have chosen my words poorly - you are right - the Government is looking for any opening to control the people. Our obsession with health and youth just opened the door - - wide. Our demanding tantrums gave the Government the perfect excuse to exert even more control. If the people chose to be independent, self-sufficient, free-thinking citizens, our Government would never have been allowed the opportunity to rule our lives. Remember - we are the Government, we have done this to ourselves.
There are provisions within Obama care that allow for families having health share plans like and / There are others...I purpose that those not in favor of this scam don't sign up.
ReplyDeletewhat a load of ignorant brainwashing.
ReplyDeleteHey Anon,
If you don't like someone's opinion keep it to yourself or come up with an "articulate counter argument" that makes sense and post it.
I thought about bashing Obamacare but its pointless. Everything that needs to be said has been said by others. I just what to know if a civil war erupts and Americans are gunning each other down in streets and the whole melee makes Egypt look like an old episode of "Mr Rogers Nieghborhood" will our Obamacare still be in effect???
If I get my foot ran over by and MRAP on the way to a Fema food line for a cheesburger, will I have to pay the "medical device tax" for a new screw on' prostetic foot???
What about co-pays with worthless cash. Can Obamacare force my doctor to take cash by the wheel barrow full of $100 bills to pay for an ingrown toenail after our economy implodes???
We canceled our health insurance this month. The cost went up, and we never use it. We are going with Samaritans International (health sharing). I've been thinking about it for years, and we finally went ahead and bit the bullet. Yep, Obamacare get a big thumbs down. We aren't caving in to pressure for a "mandate" to have health insurance.