Monday, February 7, 2011

What "We the People" truly means....

A friend sent this and I thought I would share it with all of you.  This young woman basically sums up what I believe about gun control.  Hear her story......


  1. I'm a lifetime member of the NRA. I have been since 1993. That membership is one of the best investments in our freedoms that I have ever made. Without the right to keep and bear arms, we will lose all our other freedoms. And let's remember the ENTIRE 2nd amendment, which includes: "...shall not be infringed." Yet, every week, somewhere in this country, somebody is trying to infringe our gun rights.

    Support the 2nd Amendment, because it ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights.

    NoCal Gal

  2. She went on to run and win a seat in the Texas House, and was the driving force behind getting Texas law changed so that now citizens of Texas can get concealed carry permits and legally carry guns in self protection.

    I lived in Texas when this happened.

  3. go girl!! we need more like her!!

  4. WOW! Good for her and thanks for posting this.

  5. Being from Texas, we are very familiar with Suzanna Gratia-Hupp. Her story is a sad one and she remains an inspiration. We both have our CHL and use it! However, I can tell you that I'm with her when it comes down to it. If I believe a situation warrants it, I will carry whether the "law" permits or not. I'd much rather be sitting in jail with a felony hanging over my head and know I did all I could.....period!

  6. Well, she didn't make any friends in government. But she sure did make some friends among the rest of us!


  7. Wow! This young woman has nailed it on the head. My heart goes out to her for what she has been through. To bad this video hasn't gone viral.

  8. This woman is Dr. Susanna Gratia Hupp. The incident she is referring to, was at a Luby's in Killeen, Texas in 1991. The gunman killed 21 people and wounded 20 more. She later became a State of Texas Representative. She is one of the main reasons, Texas relaxed the conceal carry laws.

  9. She has a website and has written a book. See
    She has been on the Gun Talk radio show (Sunday afternoons).


  10. I've seen this before but appreciated seeing it again. I too am a NRA member and thankful to her for stepping out and getting laws changed in Texas!

  11. Very Powerful. Thank you for posting this. Although I'm not (yet) a gun owner, nor am I a member of the NRA, I AM a super-strong supporter of our 2nd Amendment.

  12. This was awesome! Thanks so much for linking to it. I totally agree!

  13. this is an awesome statement!! i am an nra member, too and conceal carry, too. bravo.

  14. It's not even about our "right" to protect ourselves from our own government.According to Thomas Jefferson it's about our DUTY to protect ourselves and our descendants from our government.

  15. One day I was reading the news clippings on the wall of a well-known restaurant in Fayetteville, NC. Being new to town, I didn't know the history of it. A crazed gunman shot and killed a number of people, to include the restaurant's owner as he tried to charge the man. It is a conservative military town and almost everyone my family knows carries concealed weapons...but NC law states that carrying a gun into a place that serves alcohol is illegal. After I read the article about the owner's and other's untimely deaths, I glanced around the room and saw at least one uniformed soldier at every table. Did all of those people have to die? Wouldn't it be reasonable to think, that if the law were different, that ONE of those soldiers could have averted that tragedy?

  16. That story disturbs me so much, and it's the same story that gets played over and over again, every time a mad man decides to go on a shooting spree. I've got to start carrying all the time. I've thought it over again and again about how I would feel if facing a situation like that without being prepared. I just don't want to do it.
