Monday, March 6, 2017

If you please.....

Last August, I switched my blog address from to  Although I changed my blog from one address to the other, it didn't seem to bring my blog followers with me!  And I've missed you!!

Yesterday, I added a "Follow Paratus Familia by Email" button to the righthand side of the blog.  If you are not getting updates and would like to, please add your email address to the new button and every post will be automatically sent to your inbox.

I hope to soon be a regular in your inbox!  Hope to see you there!!



  1. I am SO glad to see you posting again! You've been missed!

  2. Switching your domain name caused another problem. All of the things I've bookmarked from you over the years, recipes and such, the links no longer work so I can see them anymore. When I try to go to a recipe that I've bookmarked from your site it just takes me to your old domain name and says that it's not available. I'm not sure if that's something that can be fixed but I'd love to be able to see those recipes again without having to look through your entire blog history to find them.

    1. Argh!!!! It has been such a problem! I had my domain registered through blogger (Google) and for one reason or another they wouldn't allow me to renew my domain. I ended up going through goDaddy, but they wouldn't let me register paratusfamiliablog! What a mess!! I'm so sorry about the saved links! If you use the search button at the very top of the blog (above the masthead), it is pretty easy to find recipes or specific posts. If I am able to figure out the issues, I'll be sure to let you know!!

  3. We missed you, too! So nice to have you back with us. ;o)

  4. I have signed up for your posts and feedburner tells me I am already subscribed. But, I am not receiving your posts in my email. Dilemma that I don't know how to solve. Brenda

  5. Thank you for providing the email alternative. I initially found you again by going to I was missing your post.

  6. I'm unable to see any spot to sign up for email. I see links to your books and articles on the right, along with some top notch sites. But nothing like a email butter?

    1. It is right under the top photo on the righthand side. Just above the "Pin" button and the book buttons! I hope you can find it!


    2. Found out that my ad-blocker was making it invisible. All signed up now, thanks! :)

  7. Thanks for coming back. I was the one that couldn't find you. I love your recipes!

  8. I missed you too!

  9. I really enjoy your blog and will be excited to receive it by Email.
