Monday, April 21, 2014

Patriot Day Speech

Grade: A+

Although I can't download the video yet, I thought I would post the contents of Miss Serenity's speech.  She did a wonderful job - we couldn't be prouder.


Hi, my name is Serenity McKie.  I'm 15 years old and a patriot.  I'm a little nervous to be in front of you all, but I'm homeschooled and my mom said this was my public speaking final!

I live in the country and have grown up in the woods, hunting everything and anything that was in season.  Last year I got my first big buck.  I was prone, shooting my dad's Styre SSG.  It was awesome!  I love hunting and the freedom it affords me, however, my right to hunt is not guaranteed by the constitution of the United States. My right to hunt is merely a right by default. It is my right because the 2nd Amendment has guaranteed that the people dictate their freedoms to the government- the government does not dictate freedom to the people. And we the people have chosen to give ourselves the freedom to hunt.

In truth the Bill Of Rights  does nothing to secure my right to enjoy shooting sports, to target practice, or to shoot clay pigeons. It does however, dictate the responsibility of maintaining freedom to the citizens of the United States . Liberty can only be maintained by a free people- governments, by their very definition, are incapable if granting freedom. As a citizen, it is my solemn duty to own, maintain and have the working knowledge to efficiently operate a military style weapon to safeguard and protect the freedoms set fort in the constitution.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the Untied States reads, " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free stare, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". Essentially, that statement effectively makes the American citizens an armed police force. It is the fundamental duty of every American to police there own government, protecting the freedom if their fellow man against an overreaching, tyrannical government. As a nation, we have failed in this mandate. We have ceases to exercise our authority and in the process, we have become a nation if subjects rather then a nation of citizens.

I may be only 15, but I have a vision of what this country could become if we are willing to exercise our authority as free men. The Constitution is our Magna Charta, our Great Charter, and the 2nd  Amendment is it's enforcement. But, we must choose- will we converge on Runnymede and demand our freedom or will we condemn ourselves and our children to a life of peasantry in the service of our Lords and Masters?

Today, we make a stand. We choose what is good, what is right. We choose liberty and freedom and a future.  We choose to govern ourselves and bear the responsibilities and consequences of freedom. In the words if J. Michael Straczynski;

" Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tells you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world- NO, you Move!"


  1. Serenity,
    I really like your comment about the 2nd Amendment enforcing the Constitution. Good job! I give you an A+.

  2. I listened to the speech on the Radio Free Redoubt podcast last night. It was fantastic! Great content and delivery. The crowd gave her an A+ and so do I.

  3. Thank you young lady for putting into words what I have tried to for so long. You Miss are a true patriot. Long may you live in freedom. God bless and protect you and your family.

  4. Miss Serenity,
    As I told you when I shook your hand on Saturday, you would do great, and you did! You spoke clearly and your words were so very true. Great job and God bless. BTW-we give you an A+ too.

  5. Wow.... Miss Serenity, we are so proud of you!
    Montana Guy and Montana Gal

  6. I wish I would have raised my children with your insight!
    Congratulations on a great speech.

    Bill in Texas

  7. Nice, but a mention of GOD and/or the BIBLE would have been outstanding. As for Straczynski's quote, "your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth.." Whose TRUTH? That's the issue with this country, that's why when you are given the opportunity to publicly proclaim the TRUTH of GOD as revealed in HIS WORD you should take advantage of it...

  8. Beware: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."

    1. Anonymous April 22, 2014 at 8:25 AM

      Beware: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."- Samuel Johnson.

      And "Anonymous" is where some supposed adults choose to hide - not willing to stand behind their own words - or credit those words to the individual who spoke/wrote them. (After all this is about the education of a young US citizen.)

      According to Webster’s, a patriot is one who zealously supports both country and leader. While I support our country I have had trouble with its leaders for quiet some time. Still - very few 15 year olds know what the 2nd Amendment says, much less who is in "charge" and how their current actions affect all of us and our future. Most kids are worried about Facebook and Twitter. This young lady knows by far more than they........

      Wonderful job Miss Serenity! I speak publically for a living. It is a skill that many people refuse to develop. I do my best to try to interest my students/audience in current issues. Speaking as you did here and using this skill to spread the Gospel as you and your family do is a skill worth developing. God Bless you!


      PS. While I select "Anonymous" as a profile Miss Serenity and her family know, from email addresses, exactly who I am and others by my "signature"....

    2. Patriotism is fine as long as it does not replace the living GOD of the BIBLE. Remember GOD is not an american..

    3. We are witnessing a time of perhaps greater church apostasy, ignorance, and failure to teach the whole counsel of God, especially as regards Christian civil government, since the period prior to the Reformation of the 16th century. The slumbering churches to rethink their governmental duties, which the apostolic church recognized as their duty—a duty, the implementation of which, today's church is in total confusion; to prompt more prayer and labor for a change from today's abject and servile acceptance by the churches of humanistic civil governments; to reassume their God-given responsibility to build Christian civil governments; to begin refusing to accept the "status quo" of the seemingly never-ending proliferation of humanistic and illegitimate governmental bureaucracies with their endless regulations. This is a crucial dimension of the whole Gospel, one that is missing from the thinking of today's church.

      The church is suffering from a kind of prefrontal lobotomy of her spiritual brain. Her preaching stands in stark contrast to that of the early church. The early church preached Christ's Kingship over the Roman Empire; today's church would rather (by default) preach Thomas Jefferson's illicit, unauthorized, and unbiblical doctrine of the "separation of church and state." Today's church doesn't know the difference between legitimate and illegitimate doctrines of the "separation of church and state." She stumbles along, oblivious to the biblical teaching that the Father has established His Son, the enthroned Messiah, as King over the civil governments of all nations (Psalm 2), rejecting out of hand Christian civil government, opting rather for Jefferson's secular version.

      We live in a time when the church has failed to comprehend and obey the whole of our Lord Jesus' Great Commission. Jesus said to: "Make all nations My disciples," but today's church has responded: "Yes, Lord, but we have a better idea. We will revise your command, reducing it to the level of just making individual disciples, and ignoring the rest of it. We will conduct our personal evangelism, while avoiding the awkward context of bringing the whole nation to acknowledge you."

      Our Lord cannot be pleased!

    4. cont.
      It is the church's mission to witness to the nations. The church must understand that individuals are won to Christ in the context of a covenantal and corporate witness to the nations. The church must be confessionally committed to obeying the command of King Jesus to disciple the nations, as He said: "All authority has been given to me in heaven and in earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations ('make all nations My disciples'), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. And, lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:18-20). This clear statement of our Lord gives the church authority to teach the nations the principles of Christian civil government; to call them to submit to the authority of Christ and to build their nations on the law of God.

      The church desperately needs to resume preaching the whole Gospel of Jesus as preached by the apostles, meaning that today's truncated version of the Gospel must be abandoned, or at least dras­tically modified to bring it into obedience to the Lord Jesus. The church must learn to present the Gospel of Christ as the early church did: not only calling individuals to repentance, but also challenging Caesar's claim to absolute rule (Acts 17:9). Christian civil govern­ment is not an option—a mere matter of personal or church doctrinal preference—but an essential teaching of the New Covenant message that Jesus is Lord of all.

      When Peter preached to the Sanhedrin, "Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12), he was di­rectly contradicting the words of Augustus Caesar, who had claimed in 17 B.C. that, "Salvation is to be found in none other save Augustus, and there is none other name under heaven given to men by which they must be saved."[1] Peter went head to head with Caesar! Would that today's church would do likewise. Peter was not afraid to con­front the head of the Roman Empire with the radical doctrine that Caesar was accountable to a Higher Authority, namely, to Jesus Christ.

      Jesus Christ is the God-appointed Prince over all nations. All civil governments should—and will, someday—be "Christian." Thus, it is an absolute condition necessary for worldwide evangeli­zation, that we learn to send forth missionaries who will teach their converts to build Christian civil governments in their respective nations; who will labor to see this goal realized before Jesus returns bodily to end the history of this world as we have known it, and usher in the eternal age (1 Cor. 15:24-28); and who will realize that Jesus will not return until this goal is accomplished (Phil. 2:9-10).

      What is necessary for this to take place? How can the church be brought to an understanding of its biblical responsibility?

    5. cont.
      First, the church must awaken to the yawning chasm of its failure to read and understand and obey what Jesus and Peter plainly said, that Jesus Christ was King over Caesar; that He is King over Washington, and every other world capital; and He is to be recognized as such.

      Second, the church must begin to relearn its history. We must understand why the Christians in pagan Rome were thrown to the lions in the Coliseum; why Nero lit his garden parties with the gruesome lighting of the tar-soaked bodies of living Christians spiked on poles serving as evening garden torches. Such is the hatred of the pagans for the rule of King Jesus over civil government! For the next 250 years, the Caesars sporadically initiated vicious persecutions of the Christians in their midst, interspersed with cooling off periods, until the conversion of Emperor Constantine c.300 A.D. It was on Constantine's watch that we had the Edict of Milan of 312 A.D., which brought religious liberty and freedom to the Christians to worship without fear of the dread hand of civil government interfering with the worship of Jehovah.

      The Church has been sliding backwards, guilty of accepting in principle and approving in practice‑lock, stock, and barrel‑the whole of our present secularized civil government.

    6. cont.
      Today, we in the United States, following the lead of our Founding Fathers‑some of whom were Christians who naively embraced the Trojan Horse doctrine of "natural law" thinking that this would retain a Christian character for the nation (how wrong they were!), and therefore have wider appeal—have almost succeeded in totally eliminating religion from public discourse. Behold the wondrous and nefarious influence of our "We the People" Constitution, which, along with its many excellencies as a procedural document, nevertheless gives no acknowledgment of Jesus Christ or His law, and disallows any moral standards for holding public office (see Article VI, par. 3b ". . . but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States"). Today, our, "We the People" Constitution has been interpreted by the secularists in our midst, with the acquiescence of the slumbering church, as meaning, "no moral test" shall ever be required. Furthermore, even a cursory examination of Madison and Hamilton's renowned and revered "Federalist Papers," will reveal that they refused to reference the Bible or the laws of God in Scripture, but yet have numerous references to the pagan Greeks and Romans.

      It should be obvious to all where Madison and Hamilton were looking for their authority! This is consistent with the overall tone of their appeal to "natural law" which everyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, was supposed to obey. "Natural law" was sufficient authority—sufficient legitimacy—for them to organize a civil government, and, as it turned out, was sufficient for the church as well which naively lent its approval. "Natural law" would get everyone's approval, while the law of God in Scripture would not. Especially the approval of leading intellectuals like Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, who, it was thought, would never approve of a constitution which acknowledged the Christ, the King of kings, and His law as the foundation for the nations. The coin of complicity in the church's sellout to secularism served as further justification for their failure to insist that Christ should be honored as King of this new nation. But the churches had a convenient fig leaf: just point to Jefferson's rewrite of the Gospels, in which he, in his superior wisdom, left out all of Jesus' miracles, and presented a gutted "gospel," the good works of all of us ("natural law"?) being sufficient for any man's "salvation." The churches were cowed before Jefferson's towering intellect. Surely it would be better to accept half a loaf, and go for "We the People" as the ultimate source of law. Little did they know what lay ahead, as the nation would steadily secularize, with Christian society being in, first gradual, then headlong retreat during the next 200 years!

    7. cont.
      So what do we see today? The church is in panic retreat before the monstrous colossus of a secularizing society. We see the effects of a profound evangelical malaise, with more professing "born again Christians" than ever, existing side by side with a frightening and unprecedented rise of societally destructive perversions of all kinds—all the old disgustingly familiar brands, with new ones seemingly being invented daily. We have just heard two well-known Christian conservative leaders publicly announce that they were giving up on politics; that the "political solution" is the wrong way to go; that we should just go back to saving souls.

      We see, that in spite of ten years of a flurry of "Christian conservative" political activity, plus rising anti-abortion protests, that the evangelical church seems nearly impotent, with less power than ever to shape society along the lines of the laws of God. She seems to be reduced to merely threshing about, hopelessly bemoaning the rise of abortion, the sludge of pornography, the rise of the "gay" movement, the election and reelection of a Chief Executive who ingratiates himself with a languid and indifferent public, all the while perverting the sacrosanct Oval Office, selling our vital national technological secrets to our enemies, and irresponsibly beginning wars.

      Something is wrong with today's church. What is it? And what can the church do about the unprecedented flood of iniquity inundating our society? How can we again build the societies of men on the laws of God? What is needed is an all out commitment to study and apply the doctrine of the mediatorial reign of Christ.

      No group of Christians, be they a church or individuals, can ride a theological fence forever, especially when that fence is the dividing line between secular civil government and Christian civil government. It all comes down to this confidence: that the civil governments of this earth will one day enter into their own national covenants with "King Jesus." (The Solemn League and Covenant of Scotland is an excellent example for the nations to follow in drawing up their own national covenants. Almighty God, in His eminent grace and abundant mercy, is in the process of judging and pruning and reviving and educating His church.

    8. cont.
      The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the blessed Trinity, is awakening His Body, purchased with the blood of the Son of God, to the "Great Commission" where our Lord instructed His followers to, "Make all nations My disciples" (Matt. 28:18-20). The church of Jesus Christ is to be about the task of building Christian civilizations, of rebuilding Christendom, this time along the lines of God's laws for the nations.

      Undoubtedly Christ's Great Commission includes personal evangelism, but evangelism conducted in the context of a mighty effort to build the societies of men on the laws of God as found in the Scriptures, and the bringing of civil governments to enter into their own national covenants, acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord, as the mediatorial King!

      The only alternative is to allow humanistic and "revolutionary" governments to continue proliferating across the globe, marching down the road to their own obliteration at the hands of King Jesus, the White Horse Rider of Revelation 19, who holds the rebellious nations in derision before His wrath falls upon them to their own destruction.

      Today's appalling flood of man's-rights-centered laws are mostly composed of the deadly fruits of Enlightenment French Revolution thinking. They are choking apostate Western "Christian" civilization to death. We live in revolutionary times. We have gone steadily downhill, with our own United States "We the People" Constitution being one of the outstanding milestones on the road to secularism.

      Fundamentally, we need a Godly Revolution, back to basic biblical morality. This "revolution" must begin in the churches with repentance: a) for their acquiescence in this spurning of the Crown Rights of King Jesus, and, b) for following after the suicidal Christianity-cleansed policy of Thomas Jefferson's secular "separation of church and state."

    9. Anonymous at 8:58, I read your 6 posts. Yes, like Christ said, "he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Luke 22:36

      Remember that in Christ's day their was government-enforced Sword Control. Private ownership of swords was ILLEGAL.
      Montana Guy

    10. The sword is the word of God, a gun will not save your soul, so stop worshiping them..

  9. Bravo! Bravo! We need many more young people just like you.


  10. Bravo!! Standing ovation!!

  11. Wonderful job! Your teacher has done a very good job leading you down the path of enlightenment. I had problems speaking until I finally realized that no matter what I did, good or bad, the sun would still come up tomorrow. It was a very liberating moment.

  12. It is rare to find a young person with such excellent speaking and writing skills, or with such a clear understanding of how our country is supposed to work.

    I commend you, young lady. With such as you looking to our future, I have hope for this country yet. I hope I raise my children as well. EXCELLENT WORK!!

  13. Miss Serenity, that is absolutely excellent! Nice job! The writing is great and the insights are spot on. Congrats on the "good grade", but more important is having the understanding behind the writing. You and your parents have done well.

  14. Enola,
    Are you guys going to the NW preparedness expo in Prosser?

  15. Wonderfully done Miss Serenity. I am proud of you.

    To those who choose to make comments of discouragement instead of encouragement. Shame on you. I would like to see you get up in public and speak at an age as hers. She went public at 15. You are anonymous. Stay that way.

  16. well done
    wish my 17 year old nephew was half as smart as Miss Serenity
    not to mention she actually goes outdoors and does chores

    thanks for posting this i also listened to it on radio redoubt site
    be very proud of her i would be

    livin to ride

  17. Thank you for this post. I am taking my daughter out of school tomorrow, and we are traveling to Boston for her to speak at the public hearings in opposition to the new gun control legislation. God bless you and your family. Jay
